Page 13 of Billionaire's Baby

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Aurora laughed, surprising herself. Aurora laughed very little and usually she had to fake it in front of people. But this time she wasn’t faking it. And with Aiden, she never had to fake it. He made her happy.

“We’ll get to be together,” she said, more of a question than a statement.

“Yes, when do you get here? I’ll pick you.”

“I don’t know. I have to tell dad, book a flight, and pack.” Aurora’s head was reeling with a dozen things at once. She had the urge to tell him about the pregnancy, but she held back. One piece of news was enough for now.

“Let me know, okay?”

Aiden and Aurora talked for a bit. Both of them seemed equally excited about this new change. They decided that once she had moved to New York and found a place to live, they would tell Ethan. Moving in together as soon as she landed in New York would not be a good idea. They had to gently break the news to Ethan.

This would also give Aurora time to muster up the courage to tell Aiden about the baby. Once she moved to New York, she could tell him face-to-face.

When she said goodnight to Aiden, the sun had risen. But Aurora didn’t feel tired. She was still high on the news of her new job. Things would finally start to work out for them now.


Her father and Ethan were elated to hear the news as well. When she told Aunt Katie about the news, Aurora felt she was a bit sad. Aunt Katie had gotten used to seeing Aurora around. But Aurora promised to keep calling her.

Her boss, Elena, was probably the only one who truly understood Aurora’s happiness. Being the founder of the local magazine, she had seen some tough times in the realization of her dreams. Elena said that she was sad to see Aurora go since she was a great writer but she understood how important it was for her.

The week was spent doing a lot of packing and making plans. Aurora had to pack up all of her life and move to another place. The realization was hitting her full-force now. It was everything that she had ever wanted but she was sad about leaving her father behind. She tried to convince him to go with her knowing he would get lonely without her. But he didn’t agree. He wanted to stay in the home he had shared with their mother. Leaving it would be an act of betrayal towards her, he said. Aurora couldn’t quite understand what he meant but she hoped one day she would be able to know that kind of love.

Aurora had gotten in touch with Trisha and shared the good news with her. Immediately, Trisha had popped the idea that they should be roommates. Aurora’s office wasn’t far away from Trisha’s apartment so she agreed. It would be great to have a familiar face to share a place with rather than someone new. At least, until she figured out things between her and Aiden.

Aiden was as excited as she was about seeing each other again. He texted her throughout the day, helping her make the plans. Aurora’s heart warmed whenever she got a text from him. This was the first time anyone had ever been this excited to see her. Truth be told, she was dying to see him again. To be able to hug him in New York. She wouldn’t be able to digest it was all real until she was finally there.

After a long long time, things seemed to be falling into place in Aurora’s life. She just hoped nothing would go wrong now.

Chapter 9:

Aurora had morning sickness the day she was supposed to fly to New York. She hadn’t had morning sickness before. Sure, she had felt the other symptoms of pregnancy such as nausea, fatigue and tender breasts but she had been glad she wasn’t vomiting every morning. Just her luck to experience it the day she was supposed to be starting her new life.

“Did you eat something bad last night?” Her father called out as she was puking her guts out.

“I don’t know!”

He wouldn’t assume she was pregnant, of course. She had never been out on a date in all these years. He would probably be shocked to find out she was in a secret relationship with Aiden of all people.

When she was done throwing up last night’s dinner, she brushed her teeth and rushed downstairs. She didn’t want to miss her flight. Elena was sitting in the kitchen, chatting with her father.

Elena had offered to drop her at the airport.

“Are you ok, hon?” Her father asked, looking at her with concern.

“We’re going to be late now,” Elena said, glancing at her watch. She was always straight-forward like that.

“Yes, probably just a stomach bug. Time to go or I’ll miss my flight,” Aurora said, picking up her bag.

“I’m going to miss you, Dad.” She gave her father a tight hug. She hated leaving him behind, all alone. Just like Aunt Katie.

“I’m going to miss you too. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.” Her father patted her back softly. Aurora’s eyes started watering. Great, now she was getting all emotional too. Aurora hated crying in front of people. She hated feeling vulnerable.

Ten minutes and a few waterworks later, Aurora and Elena were finally in the car. Aurora took one last look at their house and her father standing in the driveway. At that moment, she couldn’t help but miss her mother. It felt like she was leaving a part of her past behind. She would come back here again but somehow it wouldn’t be the same.


When Aurora landed in New York, she was shocked to see the amount of people. And this was only the airport. She knew New York was crowded but she had still underestimated the number of people there would actually be. Aiden had offered to pick her up as Ethan had said he would be busy with an urgent meeting. He had promised he would come to her apartment later.
