Page 28 of Obsession

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Her heart does a strange little flip, but she ignores it.

She sighs. “Look, you can go to Canada and they will offer you asylum…thank you for everything, for bringing me these suppressants, but—”

“Audrey,” he says, turning his body so he’s directly facing her on the couch. It’s unnerving, and he pierces her with his gaze. “You’re not understanding, baby. I’m not going anywhere without you.”

Alpha won’t leave us!

Her irrational internal voice is back, jumping with joy at his words.

If she hadn’t felt like she’d been hit by a truck for the last few days, she would argue with him more. Deep down, she knows this isn’t right. She may be an Omega, but that doesn’t mean she has to have an Alpha. And certainly not the one that’s looking at her likethat.

Her state is in shambles, the government is a shitshow, and the last thing she needs is to be harboring a fugitive.

But the longer she looks at him, the more shewants.

The less her head hurts and the more her nipples ache.

She’s still bundled in the blankets and wrapped in her robe, but she feels exposed before him.

The longer she’s around him, taking in the supplies he brought her, the less she’s afraid of him.

That could just be the suppressants doing their job.

But she doesn’t want to run anymore. She may not even want to kick him out of her house just yet.

Maybe he can stay for a bit.

“You don’t even know me,” she offers weakly. “I don’t know you. This is all hormones. I don’t really feel like this—”

He gives her a knowing smile, and his dimples reappear. “I read your entire file at your research center. I studied your work.”

Pride swells in her. “You did?”

She hates how delighted she sounds. It shouldn’t matter what he—Julian—thinks.

“Of course I did, baby,” he murmurs, his eyes falling to her lips again. Before she can think, he’s mere inches from her, and reaching out to caress her cheek.

He’s unhinged. He’s dangerous. He’s…


My Alpha.

“My smart girl,” he whispers, his finger tracing down her cheek to her lips. She parts them slightly, her breath coming out in sharp pants. “You were doomed the moment you snuck in that night. You know that by now, right? How could I ever leave you alone after that?”

She’s stunned by his words and his gentle touch. She leans into it, tingles of pleasure dancing through her body until she’s suddenly pulled onto his lap, the blankets falling away. Her thighs are on either side of his hips, and she grips his shoulders for purchase as she straddles him.

“You need me,” he growls, gripping her chin roughly and forcing her to meet his eyes. “And do you know why?”

I don’t need anyone!she wants to say, but she’s frozen in his hold.

“Not just because of the suppressants,” he whispers against her ear, as she shivers. She fights back a moan, embarrassed by her reaction. “And not just because I’ll stuff you with my knot until you can’t move.”

His voice, low and raspy, makes her whimper. She presses against his lap, rocking herself against his erection, biting her lip from the pleasure.

She waits for more seductive words, but his next sentence stuns her.

“Because I have the answers you want, baby.”
