Page 33 of Obsession

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She’sway in over her head.

This isbad.

She downs two more suppressants, ignoring the warning bells in her head as her hands tremble.

The medication may delay her Heat, but once it starts, it will only be more intense, and the meds could cause a secondary one.

Her self-deprecation rears its ugly head as she heads back to the shower, desperate to wash away the traces of what she’s done.

Hormones or not, she wants Julian, and it terrifies her.

She can’t lose control, not after so carefully building walls around herself.

Even hercatlikes him, and it infuriates her.

Pearl didn’t even like her sister when Mindy first met her as a kitten.

It’s ridiculous.

All this never would have happened if she hadn’t gone back for her notes that night.

Now, she’s presenting as an Omega, and an Alpha is obsessed with her.

My Alpha.

Alpha wants us!

The intrusive thoughts won’t leave her alone, no matter how hard she scrubs at her skin and violently shampoos her hair.

And the worst part is that she misses him.

She allows herself a moment to cry, sitting in the shower with her arms wrapped around her knees, weeping quietly.

Then, she shoves it all back into her box of emotions, desperate to feel in control again.

By the time she dries off and Julian’s pine and cedarwood scent is barely noticeable, she’s ready to take the next steps.

Ones that take her away from him, permanently.

* * *

Her phone ringsas she dresses in a pair of jeans and an oversized grey sweater.

When she sees the name on the screen, she sighs, knowing she can’t put it off any longer.

“Hey,” she greets Mindy, preparing for the inevitable explosion that is her sister.

“Audrey!Are you okay? I haven’t heard from you!”

“I’m fine,” Audrey lies, biting her lip. She knows it’s pointless; Mindy has always seen through her bullshit. Mindy may be alot,but she’s also extremely perceptive, and Audrey has always had a hard time successfully lying to her.

“You had the flu? Are you feeling better now?” her sister asks, anxiety in her voice.

“Yeah, I’m still a little sick, though. Contagious, so we have to put off wine and cheese night.”
