Page 59 of Obsession

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There’s silence on the other end of the line. “Fuck you, Julian,” Abel finally spits. “Take care of your own bullshit.”

The call ends, and Julian smirks, knowing Abel will make it happen.

He may hate the motherfucker, but his ego and “morals” won’t allow an Alpha and Omega pair to suffer. His reasons may not be valid, but Julian knows it will make Abel look good if he “rescues” two more people.

“What a prick,” Julian mutters to himself.

Unfortunately, his plans need to move quicker than he wanted.

He’s not sure if he can make Audrey see reason or if he will have to drag her kicking and screaming to where they need to be.

Now that he’s tasted freedom, he refuses to go back.

And Audrey should never have hers taken away.

But there’s one more thing left to do before he goes back to his Omega—and he hopes it will be enough.

He needs to winbothhis girls back.



The suppressantson an empty stomach make her feel sick.

But she’s too numb to care. She stays in bed most days and only resurfaces to shower and pick at crackers.

Mindy’s losing her mind trying to convince Audrey to eat. After their conversation on the couch, Audrey stays in her bedroom, unable to handle any more emotional connection.

It’s been two weeks since the “incident,” and a detective shows up at their door to ask questions. Audrey drags herself out of bed in sweatpants and a loose hoodie to meet him in the kitchen.

“She has a lawyer,” Mindy insists. “You can’t be here.”

“Actually, I can,” the Beta man sighs. “We received information that you may have trespassed on government property.”

Audrey swallows. “What?” she asks in a small voice.

Oh my God, no, please, not now…

“There’s video footage, and it’s grainy, but Tabitha Collins identified you. She was your former employer?”

“I…” she has no response. Truthfully, she forgotthat it even happened, that this was the reason she met Julian in the first place.

It feels like ages ago that she broke into the lab, and she’s suddenly furiousat her ex-employer.

Mindy interrupts, slamming her hand on the dining table loud enough to make Audrey jump. “My sister just presented. She’s sick, and she’s in no position to talk without her lawyer.” Mindy thrusts a business card at the detective, who narrows his eyes at her. “Unless you’re detaining her, you need to leave right now.”

“Look, Miss…”

“Sinclair,” Audrey speaks up. “Audrey Sinclair.”

“Right. Miss Sinclair, I understand this is a difficult time for you, but trespassing is a serious offense. If—”

“With all due respect, detective,” Mindy interrupts coolly. “Unless you’re arresting her, get thefuckout of my house.”

Audrey’s eyes widen in disbelief. She hasn’t heard Mindy this upset inyears.

“I’ll be back with a warrant, if your former employer’s statement holds up,” the Detective states, his grey eyes cold as they land on Audrey. “Until then, please don’t leave the city, Miss Sinclair.”
