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Jason hangs up the phone and holds it out to Christian who takes it shaking his head as he puts it into his pocket.

“You own the house?” I ask as I look between the two of them. Christian nods as he sits on the edge of the coffee table in front of me and Jason, he reaches over and takes my hand.

“We own the house and thought we were paying for the dance school. If we had known what was going on you would have ended up here a lot sooner. You certainly would have never been left to deal with all this shit on your own,” he says as he looks at Jason who nods when I look at him.

“But why didn’t you tell me?” I ask as I look back at Christian.

“We were going to eventually. We wanted to know that you were safe and cared for, but we weren’t paying as much attention as we should have. But that changes, now.”

“What if I don’t want your help,” I ask as my stupid stubborn streak comes out. Christian gives me a look that tells me it isn’t a choice. I stare back at him as I feel my eyes filling with tears. “I’m not a charity case,” I add under my breath.

“No, you are not. But we want you to have the best of everything and we’re in a position to offer that to you, is it such a bad thing?” Jason asks as he runs his hand down my back. I know it’s not and I shake my head as I start chewing on my lip and blink back the tears.

“Now that’s settled I need to go over a few things with you before we go to get the rest of your things from this apartment,” Christian says as he stands up and walks over to his desk.

“Don’t fight this you will not win,” Jason whispers in my ear, I turn to look at him and find him smiling at me. “I know that look Jazzy, you need to learn to do as you are told and learn that wewillbe looking after you, like I said you need a keeper, someone to have your back and make sure you take care of yourself properly.”

I look to where Christian’s walking back to us. I picture myself over his knee as he spanks me. The inferno between my legs roars back into life and I swear Jason chuckles under his breath behind me as I squirm.

“I need to you sign this letter which is informing your landlord you are vacating the premises with immediate notice,” Christian explains as he places a piece of paper in front of me and holds out a pen. I take it before turning myself so I’m no longer sitting across Jason’s lap and instead straddling it with my back to his front. Jason grips both my hips as I lean forward and sign the letter, not bothering to read it. Jason pulls my hips back as I sit up and I feel his hard cock press into my ass, which just heightens my arousal.

“I also need you to sign this, it’s for the bank, this way you will have full access to any funds you need,” Christian explains as I look up at him, my jaw drops open, and he holds out a bank card. “The pin is your date of birth; it’s all set up and ready to go.”

I take the card and look at it. It has my name on it, there’s no way this has only been organised today.

“What is this?” I ask as I sit up and stare at him. Christian looks at me like everything he’s just said is perfectly normal.

“You heard, that is your new bank card,” he repeats but I shake my head.

“Did you just happen to have this lying around? It takes days to get a bank card not hours,” I exclaim as I hold out the card in question. "Plus, why would I need access to your money? It’s not mine.”

“Everything we have is yours. As Jason said, we are in the position to make sure you have the best of everything, and before you start arguing, this is non-negotiable, you can refuse to use it, that’s your choice, but wewillstill buy you what you need, and want. Either way, the money will be spent on you.”

“And what if I say I don’t want your help, that I don’t want to live here, then what?” I ask as I stare at Christian. I feel Jason’s grip tighten on my hips again.

“I told you last night, there’s no going back from this now. You can fight it and argue all you like, but you won’t win.”



I look out the passenger window at the building beside us. It’s dark and dingy even in the warm afternoon sun.

“I hated this place the moment I saw it,” I say quietly. I feel a hand take mine and I turn to see Christian looking at me.

“Why didn’t you come to me? To any of us?” he asks as I turn to look back out the window, unable to face him.

“I was scared.”

“Of us?”

I shake my head, “of losing you all.” I turn and look at him, before continuing. “Every person in my life has left me, I’m used to that. But the thought of you four telling me I didn’t matter anymore scared me more than living in a dump and losing everything else.” I look back out the window as Christian sighs and lets go of my hand. I hear him undoing his seat belt and exiting the car without saying a word. I let out a deep breath and undo my seatbelt. As I reach for the door, Christian opens it and holds his hand out. I take it letting him pull me to my feet and into his arms in one swift move. Christian holds me against his chest as I wrap my arms around his waist, needing the comfort.

“You need to get it into that head of yours, we aren’t going anywhere, no matter what you do or ask of us. None of us wants to live a life you are not a part of.”

But all I hear is one of the last things my dad ever said to me.“I love you flower, you make my life worth living.”Less than a week later he was gone and I never saw him again.

I swallow the lump in my throat and nod into Christian’s chest wishing I could believe him. He lets out a deep sigh and steps back from me. “One day I’m going to make you see how much we care about you,” he declares before turning around and looking up at the building. “For now, I’ll settle for getting your stuff and you away from this dump.”
