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“Thank you, guys,” I sigh as sleep takes me.



Before I even open my eyes, I regret waking up. My head hurts so bad and my mouth’s drier than a badger’s ass. How much did I drink last night? I go to roll over and fall out of bed, hitting the floor with a thud.

“Fuck!” I groan wrapping my arms around my head and moan into the carpet.

“You’re alive then.”

I cautiously lift my head to find Sean casually leaning against the doorframe in jeans and a fitted t-shirt that’s pulled tight by his crossed arms.

“Oh shit,” I groan placing my head back on the floor and under my arms. I hear Sean approaching before he lifts them away from my head. “Do I want to know why you’re here?” I ask looking at him, nervously. Sean smirks at me as he takes my hands and pulls me up so I can sit back against the bed.

“Drink this and take these then we will talk.” He places a glass of water in one hand and two tablets in another. I murmur a ‘thank you’ as I swallow both down before closing my eyes and leaning my head back. I think I’m dying, actually, I may already be dead from embarrassment. If Sean’s here that means I did something really stupid and I’m too scared to hear what.

“Do you want to talk about last night?” Sean asks sitting next to me. I shake my head and groan from the pain. I turn and look at him and hate the disappointment in his eyes.

“I honestly don’t remember much,” I admit quietly. Sean looks at me for a moment before putting his arm around my shoulders and pulling me against him.

“Princess, you were lucky we were there. You were so intoxicated you couldn’t stand let alone have protected yourself if you needed to.”

My body tenses before relaxing against him. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to how much affection the guys show me. It’s not something I’ve received a lot of in my life. Maybe that’s why I struggle with the whole dating thing. I don’t like being touched; I only ever seem to allow it from the O’Reilly brothers.

“What do you remember?” Sean asks. I think about it for a moment.

“I remember going to the club and being pissed off because Sophia had told her boyfriend where we were which meant he turned up with Damien. I remember thinking I had drunk enough but Damien insisted we had one last shot, after that everything’s a blur,” I admit. I hear a deep hum radiating from Sean’s chest.

“Can we agree Damien is a dick yet?” I look up and nod. Sean sighs placing a kiss on my forehead. "Good because he wasnotlooking after you last night. I dread to think what would have happened if we hadn’t spotted you.”

“He wouldn’t have hurt me,” I point out. Damien might be a dickhead, but he isn’t a rapist. At least I don’t think he is.

“Well, whatever you think, he isn’t good enough for you,” Sean adds as he places a finger under my chin and forces me to look into his chocolate-brown eyes that match his twins. “You deserve someone who will show you how special you are and not just to get into your pants. They should want to give you the world and want nothing in return.”

“People like that don’t exist, nobody does anything without there being something in it for them. I learnt that a long time ago Sean,” I sigh as I try to turn my head away from him but he applies enough pressure to stop me.

“Then tell me why Maximus and I spent last night watching you sleep to make sure you didn’t choke on your own vomit, rather than just dumping you on the bed and going home?”

“I don’t know,” I admit feeling ashamed and embarrassed by my behaviour.

“Because we care princess, we’ve always cared. What do we need to do to prove that to you?”

I look into his eyes as mine fill with tears, I watch as Sean’s shoulders relax, and he pulls me back into him holding me close.

“One day you will believe us and see how much you mean to the four of us,” he sighs before letting me go and standing up from the floor. He holds out his hand and I place mine in his so he can help me to my feet.

“Go and shower, then come downstairs for some breakfast. Maximus has gone to pick up some pastries and fruit.” Sean turns around and walks away from me as I fiddle with my dress.

“Sean?” He stops and looks at me over his shoulder. “Thank you, for having my back.” Sean’s face softens as he lets out a deep sigh. “Whatever you need we are always happy to help, even if it is holding your hair as you throw up.” I throw my hands up and hide behind them as Sean laughs closing the bedroom door behind him.

I remove my hands from my face and catch sight of myself in my full-length mirror. I’m still in my little black dress which has ridden up and is only just covering anything from my hips down. My hair is a complete mess, and my makeup looks like something I would see on a clown at a horror show.

“Fuck!” I curse as I rush towards the bathroom planning on a long shower to try and get myself looking at least slightly human.


I walk down the stairs twenty minutes later to the sound of laughter coming from the dining area, I find all four of my stepbrothers sitting around the table drinking coffee and eating the feast that’s spread out in front of them. Christian is dressed in his signature black suit and white shirt, the jacket hanging on the back of his chair. The rest are in more relaxed clothing of jeans and t-shirts.
