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“It’s what any decent human being with money should do.” He turns around and holds out a stick of red pepper which I take to eat as he places the chopping board and knife in the sink. I watch him quietly as he goes about finishing cooking.

Considering I can’t remember the last time I had a man over for dinner, let alone had one cooking for me, I feel so at ease watching him. I stand up and pull out two plates as he strains the pasta and he quickly shoo’s me back to the table. I watch him serve up the Bolognese as well as garlic bread, he even goes as far as to fill a jug with water and adds slices of cucumber and ginger.

“I hope this is all okay. I usually serve it with red wine and put some in the sauce as I cook but I read that’s bad for migraines. I know you are meant to avoid citrus as well so I thought cucumber and ginger would go well in the water.”

I look at his face as he sits down and notice he looks nervous. I expect it’s not a common emotion for him.

“Did you research migraines?” I ask amazed. Jay nods as he pours me a glass of water.

“I wanted to make sure I didn’t mess up and give you something that would make you worse.”

I’m left speechless as he looks at me with those beautiful eyes, which I could get lost whilst staring into. Jay reaches over and takes my hand that is resting on the table in his large one and holds it with a gentleness I never expected from him, but he has shown time and time again over the last couple of days.

“I was serious when I said I wanted to make this work between us. I plan on proving to you that I am worth keeping around,” he says as he lifts my hand and places a kiss on my knuckles.

“You are going the right way about it,” I reply unable to stop the smile that spreads across my face. Jay smiles back at me before releasing my hand and nodding towards the food.

“Eat before it goes cold.”

I quickly pick up my fork and take my first mouthful of the food in front of me.

“This is amazing!” I exclaim as I start eating eagerly. I look at Jay who’s smiling as he watches me. “Where did you learn to cook?” I ask as Jay adds a small pile of salad onto my plate.

“Mum taught us when we were kids and I just kind of started experimenting. I don’t get a chance to cook much now but now and again I will try.”

“You can cook for me any time if it’s like this.”

I watch as his eyes brighten slightly before we both go back to our food and finish our meals in silence.

“Have you had enough?” Jay asks me ten minutes later as I place my fork on my now empty plate.

“Yes, thank you. That was amazing.”

Jay reaches over and wipes the side of my mouth with his thumb smiling.

“So, I see,” he replies with a smirk as I quickly wipe my face as it heats from embarrassment. Jay only laughs as he takes hold of my hand and holds it on the table.

“How are you feeling?” he asks as his thumb rubs the back of my hand.

“I’m okay, just tired,” I admit enjoying the feel of his hand on mine.

“Why don’t you go and relax on the sofa whilst I clean up.”

“You don’t have to do that,” I argue but Jay gives me a look that tells me I’m wasting my breath.

“It’s the least I can do after making you so ill yesterday and then leaving you to deal with it on your own.”

“You didn’t make me ill,” I protest quickly.

“Well, the trip out didn’t help,” he starts to argue but stops as I shake my head.

“Jay, I had a headache before you even picked me up. I then ignored the signs as I didn’t want to cut our day short, I was having too much fun.” I let out a deep breath and look down at the table as I pull my hand from his and place them on my lap nervously. “If I had taken my meds when the headache started to get worse, I wouldn’t have been so bad, but I took too long. I’m sorry, I just didn’t want the day to end.”

I hear the should of Jays chair scrapping across the floor. He squats down beside me and takes my hands in his.

“Look at me, sweetheart.” I lift my eyes and look into his. “I don’t care what we have planned, you ALWAYS tell me if your head is hurting. You NEVER put me before your health, is that understood.”

“But.” I start but he places a finger over my lips and silences me.
