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“To turn back time so you don’t see the state I’m in,” I admit as I reach up and rub my face. Jayden strokes my head again and lets out a sigh.

“You have nothing to be embarrassed about,” he replies before his hand moves to the top of my arm. “How are you feeling?” he asks gently.

“I’m just tired now, the migraines gone,” I admit before lifting myself and sitting with my back against the headboard. Jayden hands me a bottle of water and I thank him before taking a sip. My mouth is so dry and I dread to think about how bad my breath is.

“Thank you for looking after me, you didn’t have to,” I whisper as I rub my face and try to wake up a little. I feel a finger under my chin apply enough pressure to force me to turn my head, so I’m facing him.

“You don’t have to thank me. I should be apologising for not sticking around yesterday to look after you better. That won’t happen again.” There is a seriousness in his eyes that makes me almost believe him. Jay runs a knuckle down my cheek before lowering his hand.

“Now you are feeling a little better why don’t you tell me what you need. A bath? Shower? Food?” he asks as his phone lights up in his hand. He ignores it and looks at me. I’m racked with guilt as I realise he has missed most of the day at work.

“Get that, it could be important,” I whisper as I climb out of bed.

“It’s not as important as you,” he argues as he stands up. I laugh nervously as I walk around the bed and grab some stuff from my drawers.

“It’s your livelihood. You are busy, the last thing you need is to spend the day looking after me,” I argue as I put everything I need over my arm and turn to head for the bathroom, but I almost walk straight into Jay. He places his hands on my arms and holds me in place, once again not allowing me to look away.

“I pay my assistants enough money to know they can handle things whilst I’m looking after you. Now stop looking for reasons for me to leave. Go and have a shower and I will make us some dinner.” He leans in and places a kiss on my forehead, and I can’t help closing my eyes and savouring the affection.

“Okay,” I whisper as he takes a step back and smiles at me.

“Good girl, now go and get sorted.” I walk past him and hurry to the bathroom. Desperate for the toilet and a long hot shower.


I walk down the stairs feeling refreshed and certainly cleaner half an hour later whilst drying my hair with a towel. I can hear Jayden pottering around in the kitchen, and the smells coming from there are making my mouth water.

As I enter the kitchen I stop in my tracks. Jayden is standing by the cooker chopping some peppers as two pans bubble away on the stove. Binx is by his feet meowing, I watch in amusement as Jayden takes a small spoonful of what looks like mince from the pan, blows on it and feeds it to Binx.

“Don’t tell Mum she will shout at me,” he whispers with a smile on his face.

“It’s cute so I’ll let you off.”

Jayden looks at me grinning.

“What can I say, the little one-eyed git knows how to tug at the old heartstrings,” he answers as he walks to the sink and washes his hands.

“What did you call my baby?” I demand pretending to be outraged. He chuckles drying his hands on a tea towel as he walks up to me and stops, his eyes burning into mine. He reaches up and cups my face, and I find myself instantly leaning into his touch.

“How are you feeling?” he asks as his thumb runs over my cheek.

“Better thank you.”

“Glad to hear it,” he leans forward and presses his lips to my forehead lovingly. “Go and sit down and I’ll shout when dinner’s ready,” he says turning away from me and heading towards the cooker. “I hope you like spag bol? It’s all I could think of to make from the ingredients my assistant brought around.”

I stare at him as I pull a chair out from the small dining table in the centre of the kitchen.

“Your assistant went shopping for you?” I ask shocked.

“Like I said I pay them a lot of money to do as I ask.” Jayden turns around and places a bowl of salad on the table. I reach over and grab a piece of cucumber. He rolls his eyes as he goes back to the chopping board and hands me a stick of it. I smile taking it from him and start munching.

“They must love you if you have them doing your shopping,” I point out sarcastically whilst Jay stirs the Bolognese.

“I think I’m a fair boss. As I said they are paid well, and they know if they are loyal to me I will always help them when they are in a fix. I’ve paid off people’s rent for a year before or helped cover health costs, all I ask is they pay back what they can afford, and I never add interest.”

I stare at him for a moment, amazed and realise there is more to this man than the cocky, big-headed flirt I originally thought he was.

“That’s kind of you,” I reply knowing I could fall for this man dangerously fast. Jay shrugs as he turns back to the food.

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