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“She said it is an emergency sir, she’s at the library.”

I jumped to my feet and rush to Kelley’s desk where I can see the receiver of the phone lying down. I grab it and lift it to my ear.


“It’s Sadie. She’s been rushed to the hospital.”

“What’s happened?”

“We don’t know we think she fell, or a migraine started suddenly. She hit her head on the corner of her desk. Jay, she’s cracked her head open badly and is unconscious. The ambulance is taking her in now,” Trudy sobs down the line “I’m following behind the ambulance now.”

“Which hospital Trudy?”

“St Marks. I’ve told the ambulance crew I’m her sister-in-law. They said I can meet her at A&E,” she adds.

“Good. I’m on my way. Tell her I’m coming.” I hang up and look to the conference room door where Quinn is standing with my jacket and phone. He holds them out for me.

“Go. I can handle this.”

I nod as I take my jacket and shrug it on pulling my car keys out of my pocket as I do. I turned to look at Kelley.

“I’ll get the word out you’re not to be disturbed all calls will go to Quinn. Give her our love and keep us updated on how she is.”

I nod before I rush towards the stairwell not wanting to waste time with elevators. Wanting nothing more than to get to my girl.


As soon as I open my eyes I regret it as my head’s pounding because the lights are too bright. I put an arm over my head which makes it worse as pain shoots through it but not the usual headache pain. Whats happened?

“Sadie? You’re okay my love, you’re in the hospital.”

I look to the side and see a nurse.

“The lights are bright.” The lights instantly dim which takes some of the pressure off my eyes.

“Is that better?”

I closed my eyes and nod slightly. “Thank you.” I take a deep breath but keep my eyes closed. “What happened?”

“We were hoping you could tell us. You were found on the floor with a cracked head it looks like you hit the desk as you fell. What caused the fall?” the nurse asks.

“A migraine,” I answer.

“We will give you some medication now is your head still bad?” the nurse asks I nod keeping my eyes closed. Unable to open them through the pain. “OK lovely, I’ll give you something now. Your sister-in-law is here I’ll let her know you’re awake.” Then she leaves the room. I open my eyes and it takes me a second to realise she’s talking about Trudy. If she’s here that means Jay will know. Tears fill my eyes as I think of him and how much I want him here even if I know I need to distance myself from my own sanity.

“Hey, how are you doing?”

I look to Trudy unable to stop the tears that fall. “Oh Sadie, sweetheart what’s the matter? Is it the Pain? Do you want me to get the nurse?”

I shake my head. “Does he know?”

Trudy nods as she sits in a chair next to the bed.

“He’s on his way,” she says as she takes my hand.

“He’s going to get so sick of me,” I sigh as the tears continued to roll. “He won’t be doing this for much longer.”

“You believe that don't you?” Judy says next to me, I nod I continue to cry. “Sadie that man adores you, he doesn’t care about any of this he just wants to know that you’re okay. Nothing is going to stop him from being with you,” Judy says she squeezed my hand and passes me a tissue.
