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“Uncle Jay look! Giraffes!” Alice exclaims as she races in front of us towards the enclosure.

“Alice don't run off! You know your mum said to stay close to us,” I call out trying to check where she is in the crowd.

“It's okay I can see her,” Sadie says as she navigates through the crowds to reach an excited Alice. I watch as she picks her up and places her on the fence holding her tight as the two of them laugh and point towards the baby giraffes. I casually lean against the tree and watched as they giggle together. I've loved watching the two of them today, Alice is having the best time and it seems Sadie is as well. Every time I look they both have big smiles on their faces their eyes wide with wonder. Who knew a simple day out like the zoo could bring so much joy to even the grumpiest of men like me?

I watch Alice jumps down from the fencing and rushes towards me dragging Sadie behind her.

“Can we go in the bat house it's just over there?” Alice asks hopping from one foot to the other. She hasn't stopped all day how Trudy does this day in and day out I'll never know.

“Of course we can, as long as Sadie doesn't mind?” I look over at Sadie worrying in her lip between her teeth. She looks down at Alice who is beaming excitedly and lets out a deep sigh.

“Fine. But you'll need to hold my hand I'm not a fan of bats.”

“Uncle Jay can hold your hand, Sadie. Nothing scares him,” Alice grins looking up at me. I roll my eyes before looking back at a nervous Sadie.

“I will happily protect you from the scary bats,” I replied grinning playfully at her. Sadie rolls her eyes and holds out a hand for Alice.

“Come on miss, let's go in and have a look.”

Alice squeals excitedly and drags us off towards the bat house.

As soon as we enter I realise how dark it is. I hear the distinctive sounds of bats squeaking in the high ceiling above us. I quickly look beside me where I spot Alice and Sadie holding hands, there is no mistaking how nervous Sadie is. I move so I'm close enough for her shoulder to touch my arm as I leaned down slightly so my lips are by her ear.

“We could have told her no if you are scared,” I whisper a small smile on my face as Sadie turns to look at me, and I see her chewing on her lip again.

“Who said I'm afraid?” she demands trying to look brave, but I can see through her charade. My thoughts confirmed as a bat flies past us and Sadie jumps with a squeal grabbing hold of my arm with her free hand. I laugh as I wrap it around her shoulder and pull her against me as she keeps hold of Alice’s hand.

“Don't worry I'll protect you remember,” I tease as I tighten my arm around her and for a moment enjoy the feeling of her body against mine.

“My hero,” she answers sarcastically causing me to chuckle before pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

“Sadie, look at the full moon!” Alice calls as she points to the artificial moon high above us.

“Do you remember the story we read in the library about bats?” Sadie asks her.

“Bat loves the night,” she exclaims excitedly.

“That’s right. Do you remember why bats love the night?”

“Because they are not… nock … noooo…"

“Nocturnal,” I answer for her Sadie looks up at me, my arm wrapped around her shoulder and smiles as she pats me on the chest.

“Well done would you like a sticker?”

“Is that the only reward available?” I tease. I'm taken by surprise when Sadie lifts onto her toes and presses a kiss to my lips quickly before lowering back and smiling at me. “Well now I know kisses are rewards, I want more questions please,” I smile which earns me a slap on the chest. “Ouch” I proclaim laughing as I rub at my now-bruised sternum. I'm just about to call Sadie out on her abuse when she squeals as a bat flies close to her head. She throws her arms up and starts shaking her hair as if the bat has landed in it. Alice and I roar laughing as I take hold of Sadie's arms and pull her back against me.

“There's nothing there I promise,” I laugh trying and flatten down her hair. “Do you want to get out of here?”

Sadie nods into my chest where she’s hiding. I tighten my arms around her. “Come on Alice,” I laugh as we lead Sadie out of the bat cave and back out into the sun.

As soon as we are outside she quickly wipes herself down with her hands and checks her hair.

“Are you sure there's none in it?” she asks me as I laugh. I walk up to her and take her hands out of her hair and place them by her sides.

“I promise there is nothing in your hair,” I reach up and brush a strand of hair from her face. “I wouldn't have let them get to you,” I point out offering her a smile.

“I hate bats,” she growls through gritted teeth as she sulks adorably. I laugh as I pull her into my arms and hold her tightly against my chest.
