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“We don't need to go in there again, I promise,” I reassure her placing a kiss on the top of her head before looking down into her not-quite-as-bright blue eyes.

“Thank you,” she whispers looking back at me. I get lost in the moment and find myself leaning down to press my lips to hers when Alice shouts next to us.

“Look Sadie, otters! Your favourite!”

I look down at Alice and see her pointing to the next enclosure. Looking back at Sadie I see her eyes wide with excitement. I stepped back smiling before offering her my hand, for the first time today.

“Come on then let's go and see your favourite animal.”

Sadie looks at my hand for a second before she threads her fingers between mine and we walk off hand in hand behind a skipping Alice.


“Shh Alice she’s coming,” I whisper as I hide behind a tree and wait for Sadie to get a little closer to us. “Now!” I whisper before we both jump out and yell at Sadie who jumps and places a hand on her head.

“Oh, you frightened me,” she chuckles smiling down at Alice who is laughing. I don’t miss the way her hand stays up by her temple as if she is rubbing it.

“Sadie look what we got you!” Alice exclaims beaming as she holds up an otter teddy and keyring.

“Oh, they are lovely!” Sadie says cooing over the items as Alice places them in her hand. Sadie looks up at me with an arched brow “You shouldn't have.”

“Alice insisted,” I reply as I help her to stand up from where she is squatting down in front of Alice, not missing the way she sways slightly as she does. “Are you okay? You look a little pale,” I ask as I tuck some hair behind her ear. Sadie gives me half a smile and shrugs.

“I just took my tablets. I’ll be okay in a bit,” she admits. I look down at my watch and then at Alice.

“Come on then little miss, I promised your mum we wouldn’t be late back.” I watch her face drop but pay no attention to it as I look back at Sadie. “Let me get you a bottle of water from the shop before we leave.”

Sadie places a hand on my bicep and squeezes slightly.

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I want to. I won’t take no for an answer.”

She nods and holds out her hand for Alice. I look down at my niece and smile. “Can you look after Sadie for me on the bench there whilst I grab some water?”

“Okay, Uncle Jay,” she answers before looking at Sadie with a big smile. “Come on Sadie, if we sit there, we can see the elephants.”

As Alice pulls her towards the bench Sadie looks at me over her shoulder smiling as she mouths “Thank you.” I give her a quick wave before jogging back into the shop and grabbing three bottles of water.

It doesn’t take long to get back to the car and strap Alice in. She’s soon fast asleep in her seat in no time and Sadie’s sat quietly as she closes her eyes and leans against the window. Occasionally sipping the bottle of water. I reach over and take her hand and give it a reassuring squeeze, and don’t let it go until I pull up outside Trudy’s house.

“Let me get Alice in and then I’ll get you home,” I whisper as I look to Sadie whose eyes are looking glazed over and grey. I don’t like that she is suffering and there’s nothing I can do to help.

“Let me help you.”

I shake her head and place a kiss on her knuckles.

“She is out for the count. Stay here and rest, I won’t be a minute,” I reply before reluctantly letting go of her hand and climbing out of the car.

I quickly and quietly unstrap Alice from her seat and carry her towards the house as she clings to her new giraffe teddy and gets the orange and brown face paint all over my jumper. Trudy is at the door as we approach.

“Looks like someone had a good time,” she chuckles as he looks from her daughter to the car, her face dropping when she sees Sadie leaning her head against the window. “Or not?” she asks as she steps aside and lets me carry Alice into the house and lay her on the sofa.

“We all had a great day, but one of Sadie’s headaches has hit,” I explain.

“Oh shit.”

“Yeah, I’m going to get her home and make sure she has everything she needs. Alice has been as good as gold though. I think she enjoyed herself as much as we did.” I lean over and place a kiss on my niece’s head.
