Page 13 of Kelsey's Keeper

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He sighed, nodding. “Go ahead.”

“Do you still have the picture of my—I mean, those—panties on your phone? The one I texted… on, um, accident?”

His stomach dropped. “I… well, I usually don’t remove… didn’t think about it, actually.”

She winked at him. “That’s what I thought. Bye, Uncle Max!”

The door to his office closed then, and she was gone.

Waiting until the sound of her heels receded downstairs, and the clunk of the front door closing, he finally fished his phone out of his pocket.

Bringing up the text, he glared at the picture for a moment, hating the stirring at his groin. His thumb hovered over the trashcan symbol.

Cursing, he set his phone down on the desk instead.

He’d delete it later.

There were more important things to be done. Like work.

And rationalizing.

Chapter 4

The list and plans for the auction were spread haphazardly upon the countertop in the kitchen—oddly, the one place Kelsey was able to find quiet at the moment. She needed to make sure they had everything planned, and that nothing was missed. She’d been taking the lead on it of late—and everyone knew why.

Several girls were out back on the porch, more in the living room watching a movie. Frozen was apparently on tap for today, despite the fact they’d all seen the movie so many times already they could practically recite it, line by line.

It had rained earlier, the air even more humid than normal, the sky still gray with overcast. One of those days where everyone just wanted to stay inside.

Her phone buzzed, a text.

Hey. Missing you. Let’s hang out soon, gorgeous.

It was Aidan.

She’d hooked up with him at a party earlier in the year. Both of them drunk as hell. But it had been fun, and he did have a decent cock. He didn’t seem so sure how to use said cock, but that wasn’t exactly unusual for college dudes.

Since then, they’d mostly just exchanged texts, but had met up a couple of times for coffee. Both of those occasions had seen her making excuses for why she had to cut it short, the tall, handsome Aidan making it clear he wanted a lot more than to grab a cappuccino.

The problem wasn’t Aidan in particular; it was that college dudes, in general, weren’t on her mind.

At all.

Because someone else was dominating her thoughts. In more ways than one.

Yes, it was most likely just a temporary infatuation. Okay, maybe not so temporary. But that didn’t make it any less of a fixation. And she wasn’t used to not being able to obtain the things she really, truly wanted.

Right now… she knew exactly what she wanted.

Now, whether or not it was right, or smart, or even realistic?

Those were questions her pussy wasn’t interested in even entertaining.

Her pussy was only interested in entertaining one specific thing. And it was attached to Uncle Max.

Voices stirred from the living room, and Amber came padding into the kitchen, touching her shoulder. “Your truck just pulled to the curb out front.”

“My… what? How?”
