Page 16 of Kelsey's Keeper

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After a few more minutes of them riding along in companionable silence, Max turned his head toward her.

“I’ll do it.”

“W-what?” She actually squealed in delight. “Oh, my God, thank you thank you thank you!”

“Watch the road! You’re gonna put us in a ditch, Kels.”

“Sorry! Sorry! I’m just… so excited!” She took a deep breath, getting her delighted squeaking under control. “I just… I was starting to think you’d never say yes. I was… I was really bummed out. I figured this drive was to, like, let me down easy, or whatever.”

“Oh, Jesus, like I’m breaking up with you, or something?” Max laughed at that. “I’m afraid you’re stuck with me. Poor girl.”

She rolled her eyes, but she was laughing, too. “Stop. You know what I mean!”

“But I’ve got two conditions, before I’ll agree to enter it.”



He sighed. “No more flirting. No more innuendo. No more double entendres.” He held up his hands, making air quotes. “No more ‘accidentally’ sending me pictures of your goddamned panties.”

“That was so totally an accident!”

He scowled at her. “You’re so not convincing me.”

“God! Okay… fine.”

It wasn’t fine at all, and even though she had both hands on the wheel, in her mind she was crossing fingers, toes, and every other fucking thing she could think to cross.

She was not going to stop flirting! How was a girl supposed to get fucking laid without flirting?

But she’d go along with it. For now. Maybe. For a little while.

“And no more Uncle Max, either. I mean it. You can’t be a slutty little tease with men anymore, especially with me. No more of that, okay?”

She blew out an exasperated breath, even as she tried to ignore the quick rush of her blood at his use of the word ‘slutty.’ Gritting her teeth, she forced herself to reply. “All right… okay.”

“One more thing. No more going out dressed like a hooker.” He purposefully gave her a onceover with his eyes—something that sent little butterflies fluttering in her belly—then shook his head. “What you’re wearing now is mostly fine.”


“Your jeans are way too tight. But I’d let that slide.”

What did he mean by that though? Was that how he’d be with her if they were…

Stop, Kelsey.

“These jeans are supposed to be tight. That’s how they’re designed.”

“They’re designed to show off your ass.”

“No, they’re not! I mean, that’s not all they’re designed to do. Jeans are supposed to look good on a girl!”

“One person’s good is another person’s slutty.”

“Oh, God, whatever, Uncle—I mean, Max.”

He chuckled darkly at that, the butterflies fluttering even harder at the sound of his rich, smooth laughter.
