Page 44 of Kelsey's Keeper

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She wondered, too, if the gleam of her freshly shaved and oiled legs was pleasing to his eye, as well. She’d gone over them twice with the razor, then used extra lotion on her skin, wanting them as supple, smooth, and soft as possible… just in case.

Even if he threw her out on her ass today, she’d still look good!

He walked up from where he’d left the lawnmower further down the slope, and waved at her as he angled toward his front door. “I’m going to get something… something to drink.”

While he didn’t offer one to her, she assumed the best of his intentions—and implication—and followed him to his porch. But when she stepped up onto it, he turned around, frowning at her as he wiped another bead of sweat off of his temple with the heel of his hand. “Remember what I said yesterday, don’t you?”

“You didn’t really think that I was not going to take you up on this, did you? I mean, have you met me?”

He chuckled at that, and the tension twisting in her chest eased just the slightest bit at his gorgeous grin. Then his striking eyes locked with hers, a seriousness slipping into his gaze once more. “One last chance, Kelsey. I’m serious. Turn around and walk away, or don’t. But if you don’t, your opinion on what’s about to happen ceases to matter. At least until tomorrow morning. I mean that in every sense of the word. So, you’d better think long and hard about what it is you think you’re doing here. I’m not some fumbling two-pump-chump dipshit who doesn’t know a girl’s cunt from a hole in the wall. You stay, and you’re going to find out just what that means. And you’re probably not going to like some of it, either. Maybe a lot of it.”

For the briefest of moments, his admonition, his clear warning, had her nearly frozen in place, a combination of fright, exhilaration, and a dark, twisted fascination at what he might do to her all warring within her.

You better know what you’re doing, Kelsey.

“I can take it.”

“Oh, you can?” His eyes narrowed, and the cold promise in his flashing gaze made her belly do little flip-flops. “I didn’t even say I’d do it.” He regarded her for a long moment, and she began to worry he’d back out, just when her prize was nearly in her grasp.

Then he sighed. “I should throw you out on the street again. A better man would.” He shook his head, looking down, cursing softly under his breath.

Her heart was galloping now, her mouth dry as she waited, silently praying.

“All right, Kels. One night. One night only—then that’s it. You got me?”

Though her heart pounded frantically, anticipation and excitement making her limbs nearly tremble with it, she slipped past him, laying a hand upon his bare, sweaty chest as she did.

Then she found herself inside Uncle Max’s house once more.

Chapter 13

He slammed the door behind him, savoring the way she practically jumped out of her shoes at the loud noise. She spun around, her eyes wide, mouth open. Her nipples were hard, prominent points under her slutty little tank top. If she were his, he’d be having a stern discussion with her about putting those tits of hers on display for every man around to see.

If she were his, the only time she would be displaying her body would be when he determined it would be. He wasn’t averse to sharing his playthings now and then, but it would only ever be on his terms—and always under his control.

Just like her.

“What are… what are you going to do? To me?”

He grinned at her, and he hoped she could see the rapacious gleam in his eye as he said it. “You probably should have worked out the possibilities before you walked through my door, don’t you think?” He advanced on her, slowly but surely. He intended to prove to her that when he said something, he meant it. She was in way over her head here, and he’d be a liar if he said he wasn’t going to enjoy showing her that fact.

“I… part of me never thought you’d ever agree to this. I guess, now I’m not sure what it is you want from me?”

He inclined his head. “What I want from you, Kelsey, is for you to do exactly as you’re told. As long as you do that, you’ll be just fine. Do you understand?”

“Yes… yeah, I guess.”

He loved the way her throat worked as she swallowed, the slender, pale column of it moving so fetchingly that he wanted to kiss it, caress it with his fingers, clutch it in his big hand. He wanted to revel in the sharp intake of breath as he squeezed slightly, as she realized she was completely overmatched.

While he wasn’t the biggest fan of brats—they were typically a lot of work—in some cases they were quite enjoyable, indeed. While he wouldn’t say Kelsey was a brat, per se, she was certainly a fellow traveler, someone who had some similarities to that personality profile.

When she attempted to sit on the couch, he shook his head at her. “Stop. What do you think you’re doing?”

“Um, sitting down?” She rose fully to her feet, her cheeks coloring.

He loved it, intending to make sure there were many more opportunities to make the beautiful Kelsey blush. He wasn’t sure how she felt about embarrassment and objectification, but they were two of his favorite things.

And she was going to find out, whether she liked it or not, that if she was going to be his that was going to be a major focus, especially if it was something she didn’t particularly like.
