Page 60 of Kelsey's Keeper

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He shook his head. “You’ll see soon enough.” He snapped his head up toward the mezzanine. “Get your ass up there, and get your clothes on. If you take too long, you’ll earn yourself a spanking before we leave.”

Despite her nakedness, and the instant wetness his threat induced between the lips of her pussy, she instantly scampered up the stairs, so fast she nearly tripped over them.

She heard the front door open and close as she walked into the bedroom area of the mezzanine—and promptly put her hand to her face as she saw what he’d laid out for her.

It was a two-piece bikini, so small that she was certain it wouldn’t even cover her areolas. But she shrugged her shoulders and put it on anyway, the tiny black swatches of fabric just as ill-suited to the task as she’d imagined they would be. He had a floor-to-ceiling mirror along one of his walls, and she looked at her reflection with mortified fascination. The top was little more than tiny triangles only barely large enough to conceal her areolas, her nipples hard, tenting the fabric blatantly, almost obscenely. The bottoms—which tied off at the hips—would have revealed pubic hair at either side of them if she hadn’t already shaved it all off. The back was little more than a brief vee of fabric leaving virtually the entirety of both of her cheeks totally bare.

“Well, I guess you’re not going to have to be worrying about tan lines this year, Kelsey,” she whispered. She didn’t see any shoes laid out, so she grabbed what she thought he would like. The strappy four-inch heels definitely made the bikini look extra slutty, her overall appearance like something out of bimbo central casting. And yet, part of her liked that, too. The objectification of it. Even if it was embarrassing, it was just Uncle Max seeing her like this. Not so bad after all.

Carefully making her way back down the stairs, clip-clopping across the wood floor of the living room, and out the front door into the brilliant mid-morning sunshine, she took a deep breath of the incredibly fresh air. It filled her lungs, and her spirit soared, the pure goodness of the sensation buoying her mood with surprising power.

She heard it first. The sound was almost like a lawnmower, but the note was too deep, the timbre of the noise somehow wrong. Then, a cloud of dust rising behind it, a four-wheeled vehicle roughly the size of a large golf cart, Max at the wheel, came rolling around from the back of the house. It slid in the gravel slightly as it came to a stop, Max’s head turning to her, the mirrored sunglasses he was wearing making him look even sexier than normal in his button-down shirt and tight blue jeans. He gave her a grin. “You wanted to know what a Gator is? You’re looking at it. Get in.”

She hopped into the passenger seat, marveling at how comfortable it was and yet how exposed she felt, her boobs bouncing with even just the slightest movement. He took a moment to look down at her, and made sure she saw him do it. “That’s a good look for you, Kelsey.”

“Uncle Max? Don’t you think I’m a little… underdressed? I mean, it’s not like I’m at the pool or something. I don’t think I’d even dare wearing this there either.”

He gripped the steering wheel, shaking his head slowly at her. “Around here what you’re wearing? Most of the time, for a female, that’s considered to be overdressed.”

She shivered a little at that despite the warmth of the morning.

He reached around her, his elbow brushing her breasts, grabbing the seatbelt and buckling her in. The Gator had a stout black painted roll bar arching overhead, and a tiny flat bed, almost like a mini pickup, in the back. “Does this thing go fast enough for me to worry about that?”

“You’d be surprised how fast this thing goes. I do take it easy, but I want you safe. That’s another thing now that we’re on the subject. If I ever catch you in a vehicle, and you’re not wearing a seatbelt, you’ll be getting an ass whipping from me. You got me?”

“Yes, sir.” Her stomach had dropped a little at the threat. But at the same time, it warmed her heart that Max was that concerned about her safety. It was a gesture that boys her age would never make—and would probably never even think to do—and yet it meant much more than she thought most of them realized.

She couldn’t help but wonder too if Max meant that this would be the case only while she was at his cabin—or if this would apply after she got back to Tennessee, too.

Then he fired up the Gator, and it took off with a surprising speed, throwing her back against her seat. He followed the gravel driveway further down the hill beyond where his cabin was then he turned off to the left along his fence line where the fence began to go back toward the escarpment behind his house. Max’s cabin was set alongside a brook that ran down the hill from the highway.

But at the back of the house there was a small bluff that rose fifty or sixty feet above the level of the roofline of his cabin. Max steered the Gator along his fence line to the base of the escarpment then turned right following the base until a trail rose up and around the right side of the cliff face. As they came up on the top of the rise, she was shocked to find trees closely spaced, but in neat rows, as far as she could see extending to the east.

“Oh, my God, Max, I had no idea these were here!”

“This is my orchard; it goes back a ways, another mile or so.” He steered the Gator along a path that seemed to go right through the center of the orchard, and she marveled at how much cooler it was in the shadows of those trees, the smell of apples clear on the air, even though it wasn’t yet time for harvest. Another fence line finally loomed up ahead, and Max turned right along it, heading back east once more.

“My God, this is all yours? This place is huge, Uncle Max.” She reached out, stroking his thigh, knowing it was a risk, not sure if she would be in trouble for being so forward with him. It helped her to ignore the way her tits bounced and wobbled over every single hole and dip in the trail that the Gator followed. Once again she was grateful only Max was there to witness it.

Then the eastern edge of the orchard came into view, and they emerged along another fence line running north–south. On her right was a vast open field, dotted here and there with sagebrush. The fence line continued to extend to the east until it disappeared in the distance. Perhaps a mile or so away to the east she could see a large house, the structure a Craftsman design with several massive outbuildings in the back. A tractor, or what might have been a combine of some sort was parked in the back as well, the machinery attached to its rear something she’d never seen before.

“Whose house is that?” She was a little surprised that there was a neighbor this close. When the driver had first dropped her off at Max’s house, Max had appeared to be virtually alone.

“That’s the Wickhams. That’s who we’re going to visit today.”

She swallowed hard, her stomach dropping to her feet. “W-what? We’re going to see… your neighbor? Right now?”

Max gave her a mischievous grin, tweaking one of her nipples through her bikini. “Of course. Just being neighborly after all.”

She shuddered in her seat. So much for Max being the only one to see her dressed like a slut.

But things were about to get significantly more uncomfortable.

“Well, I knew you were coming back.” A deep, amused voice sounded from behind them. “But I didn’t know you’d be bringing… company.”

They both turned in their seats, looking back toward the voice.

A tall, barrel-chested man, smiling bright, with a salt-and-pepper beard, and pale blue eyes shining under a dark red WSU cap emerged from the last line of apple trees. He had a pair of long-handled loppers slung against one shoulder.
