Page 77 of Kelsey's Keeper

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“Oh, please. It’s that he’s Max, that’s why. Your friend.”

“Best friend.” Her father’s eyes flashed, points of color high in his cheeks. “Formerly, that is.”

“Is that how this works?” She strode up to him, jabbing a finger in his face. “Who do you think it was that moved me into my dorm? Who was it that has always been here for you—and me? Who was it you always turn to, to do the things a father is supposed to be doing?”

“Kelsey, take that back. You—”

She was almost screaming the words now. “I’m taking not a single fucking thing back, Daddy. Except one—and that’s listening to you. All you fucking cared about was your stupid territorial possession. Me! It’s like a pissing contest, or a dick-measuring competition with you, isn’t it?” She affected a mocking, masculine tone. “Nobody’s gonna fuck with my little girl! Right? Right?”

“Stop it.” He was red-faced now, but his eyes were bright with hurt.

But it wasn’t stopping her, not even close.

“When are you going to realize I’m not a possession? I’m not a little girl anymore. I haven’t been for a long time.”

“You’re sure acting like one. Why can’t you just listen to me, Kelsey? I’m trying to help you, to guide you. To get you to see what’s happening here.”

“And what do you think is happening here?” She threw more clothes into her suitcase. “Do you think I’m just some impetuous spoiled little tramp going off to get run through by some creepy old dude?”

“He is old, Kelsey. Compared to you, anyway. You’re going to stand here and tell me that doesn’t matter?”

“I don’t care if it matters—because he’s not just some old dude. And he is not fucking creepy. He’s the most wonderful fucking man I’ve ever known—save one.”

“And who is that?” He crossed his arms over his chest, but she could see the tiny quiver to his mouth, the tightness in his voice.

“It’s you, goddammit!” She slammed a hand down on the desk next to him. “While you’ve been busy doing whatever the hell it is that you do… I’ve been growing up. And thinking for myself. And developing my own, independent opinions. You know—what adults do.”

“You sure aren’t showing it.”

“Oh, really? Really?” She took a breath, trying to maintain even a semblance of control, even in the face of the obvious truth that he still wasn’t listening to what she was telling him. “Let me tell you something. I don’t need to prove anything to you anymore. Those days are over with. Done. Gone.” She lowered her voice, almost hissing it. “Just like your scared little girl. She’s fucking gone!”

Mitchell grabbed hold of the suitcase. “What are you doing with this?”

She slapped his hand away. “I’m going to Washington. And I’m going right fucking now.”

“Why?” He grasped her shoulders then, giving her a tight shake. “Kelsey, please, what’s going on?”

The tears welled up then, and spilled down her cheeks, and the shame of them overwhelmed her. She twisted away from him, bending over the bed, her hands upon the mattress, tears streaming down her face now. “Max… he’s been in a… terrible accident.”

“Jesus Christ—when? What happened?” Her father’s tone changed instantly. “Is he…?”

“I don’t know. I have to go to him.” She sat on the bed, scrubbing the tears from her cheeks with the heel of her hand. “His… his neighbor called me… Max is hurt. In the hospital.”

Mitchell slumped into his office chair, mouth open, eyes wide, brows raised. “I… I had no idea. God damn it.”

“I’m going to him, Daddy. I’m going right now.”

But his surprise still hadn’t snapped him out of it, hadn’t made him see the idiocy of his bitterness. “Kelsey, no, you can’t just go. He… if he’s in the hospital…”

“How can you say that?” She almost squeaked the words. “He’s your best friend. And he’s the man I’m supposed to be with.”

She got up, throwing the last of her clothes into her suitcase and zipping it up. She faced him one last time. “I mean it. I’m going. Tonight.”

“Not if you want my help, you’re not.” That selfish, bitter gleam was in his eye again, his lips twisted in a sneer that made her want to slap him. It was stupid, childish, and so incredibly frustrating.

“Don’t make me choose between you and Max. You won’t like how that ends up.” Though she wanted to punch him, she touched his face instead, and he instantly clasped her arm, so gently, the anger seeming to drain from him then.

“Kelsey, don’t go…”
