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The hood of the SUV was no doubt quite warm by now, so while he kept her bent over it a moment longer, he held her face just above the steel. He needed to drive the point home though. Disobedience wasalwaysgoing to result in pain for her.

“Then you’d better promise not to do anything else that stupid,” he growled at her, staring at the roundness of her ass, loving the way the dark slacks hugged its every curve and contour. His head already swam with visions of what he planned to do to that ass once he got her back to the lodge.


“Okay, okay! I’ll… I’ll cooperate! Just let me up!”

“That’s better.” He pulled her upright, and recuffed her. Then, still pinning her hips to the fender, grinding the hard bar of his erection against her bottom, he called to the men inside. “Bring the chains. She’s proven she needs them.”

“What!No, I don’t!” She pushed back against him, and he nearly groaned at the softness of her buttocks against his throbbing cock. “What chains?”

He held her fast though, and in less than a minute, he and Markus had clapped her in the three-point restraints. With a hold on the central belt of the restraints, he dragged her over to the discarded hood lying on the pavement, the short hobble of Stacy’s chains forcing her to take halting, clumsy little hops.

“You forgot this, omega.”

“Fuck off.”

“We’re going to have a talk about your language, too, I think. But later.” He drew the hood down over her head then, and the last, haunted blink of her lashes just before they disappeared behind the fabric sang to his dark, twisted heart. This time, the deprivation of her sense of sight seemed to paralyze her, and the effect was most welcome. Her defiance was indeed appealing, but he needed to get her home, and properly inspect his new property.

There was much too much still to do—and even more to look forward to.

Leading Stacy by a firm grip at the back of the central leather belt clinched about her waist, he opened the rear passenger side door, lifted her from her feet, and put her in the truck. Latching her seatbelt around her, he took care to ensure her coat was opened fully. He paused a moment to admire the way the strap plunged between the swells of her very generous breasts, the pattern of the fabric of her bra just visible against the sheerness of her white button-down shirt.

“Where… where are you taking me?” Her voice held a note of real fright then, and while part of him loved it, another hated the sound of her fear. His protective instinct was already coming to the fore, even as he wanted nothing more than to plunder her body for his selfish enjoyment.

Time enough for that, Dmitri.

He took his seat next to her, patting the top of the roof before closing the door, the scent of her already thick and hot in the close confines of the truck’s interior. “To your new life,agent. Your real life.”



“The first step to staying alive is not losing your shit.”

Those memorable words from instructor Tallis, from the earliest days of her academy training, rang in her ears as she tried to keep from screaming in frustration. And despair.

The ride back to wherever they were—presumably Wolf Nation lands nearby—was hard enough. Setting aside the fact she’d been bound, hooded, and confined in the backseat of a truck filled with the increasingly maddening scent of the alpha, the worst part was not having any control over… anything at all.

The inky blackness of the chamber she now found herself in was the sort of disorienting void that threatened to have her head spinning, her eyes so used to having something,anything, to focus on that the utter lack of any visual stimulus at all left her completely unmoored, the sensation of floating through space one increasingly difficult to dismiss as merely a trick of her perception.

They hadn’t said a word to her on the long ride back, and though she considered that a blessing, it did oddly enough, amplify her feelings of being totally at sea, disconnected from everything—and everyone—she’d ever known.

In defiance, she’d refused to utter a single thing, determined that she wouldn’t let them see even a hint of weakness.

She was anagent. She’d figure this out. Work the problem.

And hit the motherfuckers when they aren’t looking.

How long had they been traveling? Two hours? Ten? It all seemed to bleed into one continuous blur behind the stifling cloth hood. The first clue where they’d taken her came when the truck finally came to a stop with grinding of gravel and a tinyscreeof the brakes. The door opening let in a rush of crisp, clean air. She’d tried to not think about how much she missed the smell of the alpha despite the refreshing scent of pines and rain carried on that fresh air.

Forced to shuffle along awkwardly, only the low moan of the breeze at her ears, hard hands like manacles about her upper arms, she’d crossed tile, then carpet, and what felt like wooden stairs, confirmed by the crack and squeak of the risers as they brought here down, somewhere, the air dank and close, colder, the gloom of what she knew had to be some sort of basement or cellar closing in all around her…

Now, as she strained to hear, tried in vain to make out something other than impenetrable blackness, she wondered how it was she’d been left there. How could the men have even found their way back to the stairs once they’d affixed her chains to something hard, and heavy, and immovable? They’d stood over her for a moment, and though she couldn’t believe they’d have been able to see their hands before their faces, she was certain she was being… watched.

Evaluated? Judged? Critiqued?

Then they’d left her all alone.
