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The gravity of it terrified her, and at the same time, ironically, this struggle, this contest of wills—it had almost distracted her from that truth, the awful confirmation that something was terribly, terribly wrong here. Not just with this, with what Dmitri was doing with her. No, it was the entire sick edifice of the auction system, and how the FMB fit into it. There was something missing here, and it was the key to learning what was truly going on—perhaps for the first time in her career as an agent.

Former career.

“Why don’t you step out, and we can go back home?” Then he held up a hand, a quirk of his lips, and a twinkle in his eye. “On second thought, wait here. I know you won’t be going anywhere.”

For a moment she fumed at his presumptuousness, the easy confidence and assured way he moved, as if he didn’t have a care in the world. As if everything were under control, and his captivehadn’tjust made an attempt to escape that was very nearly successful.

There was no denying that he was right though. Where could she possibly go? She was in the middle of nowhere, on land she had no hope of navigating her way off of, not without some kind of landmark or road to orient her. And there was nothing of the sort out there in that trackless wilderness, beautiful though it may have been,

All she knew about her possible location were the vague memories of reviewing wolf territorial maps, back when she was still an agent with the FMB. It was a time that seemed like ancient history at that point.

Helpless, she fumed as she waited, her nails digging into her palms, all the while telling herself that the lips of her sexweren’tslick and hot and swollen. That shehadn’t looked at him in the rearview mirror as he walked away, noting the way Dmitri’s jeans molded perfectly to his incredibly muscular ass as he strolled back to his truck.

Now, is not the time to be noticing such things, you idiot!

Her heart nearly stopped in her chest then as she saw what was clutched in his fist as he closed his door, spinning on his heel and heading back toward her.

“Oh shit, ohshit.” Her mouth was suddenly dry, her heart pounding, and her traitorous pussystillhadn’t stopped, so hot and wet and throbbing.


It was as if her fear only increased her arousal, the primitive need within her she couldn’t hope to control, a desire that spiraled higher and higher with every passing second in this arrogant male’s presence.

How is it possible he’s having this effect on you?

But she knew.

“Get out of the truck,” Dmitri said standing back from the door, arms crossed over his huge chest. “I think I’ve had about enough of your ridiculous behavior. We tried it your way.” He held up the tangle of deep brown straps and gleaming metal buckles. “Now it’s time to do it my way.”

“You don’t… you don’t need to do that.”

His lips tightened. “My balls disagree.”

“I’ll… I won’t resist.” She swallowed. “I give you my word.”

“You haven’t proven your word is worth anything. Not to me. Not yet.” His voice lowered an octave, a gravelly note surfacing in its tone. “Out.Rightnow.”

Sighing, further resistance pointless, she decided to bide her time and go along with it. There would be other opportunities. They’d let their guard down again. It was only a matter of time.

Unless you just decide to jump him first.

She cursed under her breath as she opened the door, stepping out onto the gravel.

“Turn around and put your hands behind your back. Face the truck,” he ordered, his hand closing around her right shoulder, the immense strength of it making her tremble for a moment. He was strong enough to crush her bones with that hand, she was certain of it. And the thought both terrified her and exhilarated her in a way she didn’t want to examine too closely.

“This is stupid. I’m not going to—” She gasped as he shoved her against the side of the vehicle, the sun warmed metal almost too hot against her breasts under the thin material of her blouse.

“Be quiet. And stand still.” He stood close to her then, the jingle of the metal buckles surprisingly loud even over the low hum of the breeze at her ear. Overcome with the power of his scent and the strange electricity of his close proximity, she couldn’t help pressing her ass back against him, nearly stunned with shock and surreal, out-of-body delight at feeling the thick, huge bar of his erection constrained within the confines of his rough, worn jeans.

What the fuck are you doing?

His deep chuckle made her grind her teeth, even as the timbre of it made her nipples gather into diamond-hard points.

But he said nothing as he bound her wrists tightly behind her, then spun her back around to face him with such brusqueness she nearly lost her footing, Dmitri catching her by the shoulders to prevent her toppling to the ground. The way he handled her was as a child might a doll, his strength so overwhelming, implacable, it nearly paralyzed her, any thought of serious resistance rendered absurd.

He cupped her chin in his hand, forcing her eyes up to his, his fingertips digging into her cheeks just shy of the point of pain. The deep furrow across his brow and the fathomless darkness of his gaze served to render her speechless, even as she desperately tried to press into him once more. “You have no idea what’s in store for you, do you?”

“Let me… let me go.” Her voice was reedy and wan, little more than a whisper.
