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Finally, he sighed. “I’ve reviewed the reports submitted and read the testimony both of former agent Stacy Masterson and the Wolf Nation representatives.” He nodded to Dmitri across the table. “Including yourself. The FMB… has no comment.”

Knox, sitting next to Dmitri, cursed under his breath, rubbing a hand across his mouth.

“Scanlon, we told you everything. Thisisn’tthe time for stonewalling.” Dmitri scowled. “Something is going on here. The FMB hides the fact that omegas are disappearing,andthe Bureau doesn’t even confirm to its own agents that the Circle—much less vampires in general—actually exist? You’ve got to do better than no comment. Give us something to go on here. Otherwise, I go back to the conclave with… nothing. They’renotgoing to react well to that. Not one bit—and you know it.”

“As I said, the FMB has no further comment on this matter.” Scanlon glanced behind him at the Bureau stenographer typing away at her machine, her black ponytail bobbing slightly when her fingers stilled over the keys for a moment.“Offthe record. The Bureau has more than justifiable reasons for what it chooses—or chooses not—to disclose. I’m going to have to leave it at that.”

“Do you know anything about The Network?” Dmitri exchanged a glance with Knox, his best friend’s dark brow arching. “That too was in Stasia’s report…”

Scanlon’s fingers stopped drumming for a moment. “Who?”

“Stacy.” Dmitri growled. “Whichisn’ther name anymore.”

“No comment,” Scanlon said, in a dead monotone.

“One more time, director. I can offer to help the Bureau, but it has to come clean about what it knows. Especially about any omegas that have gone missing. Can you at least confirm officially that that is occurring?”

Scanlon shook his head. “I can neither confirm nor deny.”

“You’re wasting my time today then. Last chance. Come clean about it—allof it. Otherwise, we walk. And the next time you see me will likely be in Treaty Arbitration. Is that what youreallywant?”

There was a baleful glint in Scanlon’s eye for a moment. Then he plastered on a smile that was the quintessence of disingenuous. “Arbitration would only theoretically be necessary in the event of an actual Treaty violation.” Scanlon swept a palm slowly in an arc in front of him across the table. “And I see no evidence of such a thing. No evidence whatsoever.”

“The sworn testimony of an FMB agent is not considered evidence?”

“Former agent.” An edge of irritation had crept into the director’s voice.

“I think we’re done here.” He and Knox rose then, heading for the door.


He stopped, straightening his coat for a moment, before turning to face the director. “What?”

“My lead agent, Karen—I believe you’re acquainted—has asked me to pass along a question to you. She wants to know… if Stacy will be allowed to come back to the Bureau.”

Dmitri paused. “The same agent whose sworn testimony you refuse to accept at all?”

“As I said, former agent…”

He exchanged a weary look with Knox. “Yes, of course, she can come back. That has to be her choice though.”

“And do you think thatwillbe her choice?”

Dmitri gave Scanlon a smile as cold as the winter wind. “We’ll be in touch.”

Once outside, the main doors closed and locked behind them, and he and Knox strolled toward their waiting truck, the sun warm on their faces.

“You know, we weren’t exactly telling them everything we know either,” Knox murmured. “You sure about this?”

Dmitri surveyed the verdant, meticulously manicured front lawn of the FMB headquarters building they’d just left. A blue-gray scrub jay arced up, down, and up again, across the expanse of lush green grass. “Scanlon wasn’t just stonewalling us. He was worried. They’ve got no idea what The Network is. And they don’t like that. Not one bit.”

“Neither do we.” Knox plunged his hands into the pockets of his slacks.

“Perhaps. But I think we’re going to find out—and very soon.” Dmitri looked back at the building for a moment, shrugging. “Scanlon just confirmed why we won’t be sharing that information with the Bureau once we do learn it. If he thinks the FMB is the only entity conducting an investigation, he’s got another thing coming.”

Knox’s eyebrows shot up. “Does that mean… what I think it means?”

Dmitri sighed. “It was inevitable, wasn’t it? Once word gets out that the enemy is operating again… the wolves are not going to sit idly by and let it happen.”
