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“Fuck,” Knox muttered, kicking a fallen twig from the sidewalk out onto the grass.

“Yeah, that about says it.”

A voice called out from behind them then. A female voice.

Dmitri turned, facing the lead agent. Karen wasn’t dressed in her Bureau standard though. Her tan camouflage ballistics vest with the yellow block lettersFMBemblazoned across the chest evinced quite a different vibe than the well-dressed, cool as ice demeanor most agents were notorious for.

“Lead agent?” Dmitri gave her a slight nod. “What can I do for you?”

“Alone, Dmitri.”

He tilted his head back toward their truck. “It’s okay, Knox. Just be a minute here.”

Though his mouth twisted, reluctance flashing in his eyes, his friend nodded, walking back toward their vehicle.

Her mirrored sunglasses hid her eyes, but the firm, almost growled note of Karen’s words instantly made clear her intent. “I’m not going to let you keep Stacy.”

“That’s admirable of you. I have no intention of keeping the agent. She will decide to stay with me though, of her own free will. Where she belongs.”

“You’re full of shit. I want Stacy turned over right now. She’s being illegally held. We can fight over her status in Treaty Arbitration, if you choose, but until then, she’s going to be in our custody.Notyours.”

“Oh? What about the fact Scanlon signed off on all of it? You can’t exactly do anything aboutthat, can you?”

Karen shrugged, but didn’t tip her hand. “Scanlon… will be handled. Trust me on that.”

He smiled at her. “Hmm. Is that ambition I see? Or insubordination?”

“How about loyalty to a friend—and obedience to the law.”

“Interesting that you’d frame it that way.” Stepping closer to her, he dropped his voice to a murmur. “I think it fascinates you, lead agent.”

“Whatfascinates me?” she sneered, taking off her glasses, her other hand dropping smoothly to the pistol holstered at her right hip.


That seemed to catch her off balance, her mouth dropping open, her surprisingly lush and dark lashes fluttering a moment. The spicy note of the sudden surge of her arousal, while subtle, was clear on the air.

“Ah, struck a little too close to home, did I?” He chuckled softly. “That’s okay, lead agent. Nothing to be ashamed of. I know many who’d happily…schoolyou on the subject.”

She regained her composure quickly though, pushing her glasses back on, her hand closing around the butt of her pistol. “Step away, Dmitri.”

“You don’t believe me, do you? That I’m not forcing her to stay.”

“You think I’m stupid?” Her fingers squeezed the pistol tighter.

With a shrug, he backed up a step. “You’re not going to do a thing, agent. Because you can’t. Because you’re hemmed in by your laws, your preconceived notions, and the fear of discovering the truth. Thewholetruth.” He looked back toward his truck, nodding. The engine started up, roaring to life.

“I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”

He gave Karen a tiny little wink. “You don’tnow. But in time… you will. And when you do, you’ll remember my words. Until next time, lead agent.”

Then he strolled back toward his waiting ride.

“This isn’t over!” she called after him.

He murmured the words so only he could hear them. “That’s the only thing you’ve been right about all day, agent.”

