Page 27 of Stallion

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“She’s never done that before?”

“No, she claimed she wanted to make peace for dad’s sake. I believe that as much as I believe I could climb on Stetson and gallop across a field. I don’t even like cocoa and I poured it down the sink. Then later, around midnight, I went down to the kitchen, and she showed up wearing an awful jogging suit. It was so weird. When she saw me she looked as shocked as I felt.”

“Huh! Shocked? Genuinely shocked?”

“Yes, why?”

“Maybe that wasn’t an innocent mug of cocoa.”

“Oh, my gosh! You think she put something in it, like sleeping pills?”

“Could be. Did you hear and record those sounds before or after she brought you the cocoa.”


“Looks like two and two could be addin’ up to four,” he remarked with a frown, “and I don’t like it one bit.”

“Dad told me he’s been sleeping like crazy the last few weeks. Do you think that could be why?

“Now that’s an interesting question,” Noah replied solemnly.


Abruptly jumping off the bed, Ellie began marching around the room.

“I knew it,” she declared furiously. “I’ve been right about her all along. Why can’t dad see it? She’s a—“

“Hey, take a breath,” Noah interrupted, though keeping his voice calm. “You don’t know anything for sure. How much do you know about her?”

“Practically nothing, she’s just this woman—not much older than me, by the way—who’s suddenly in our lives. I don’t get it.”

“Well, you could look into things further, see what you can learn about her, but you may not want to go down that road.”

“Why wouldn’t I?”

“Your father’s a big boy and apparently he enjoys her company. He might not appreciate your interference.“

“He’s blinded by her and it’s ridiculous. Besides that, I’m worried about him. In fact, I was going to ask if you know a decent doctor around here. I want him to get a check up.”

“You bet I do, but it’s time to switch gears.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean it’s time for you to get dressed. Sittin’ on Candy will help you settle down.”

“You’re probably right,” Ellie muttered with a sigh, flopping on the edge of the bed. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to get carried away, but I’m just so angry.”

“There’s an old sayin’…don’t get angry, get even.”

“Yes!” she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up. “I love it. Where do I start?”

“Lord, what have I said,” Noah remarked with a grin. “Get yourself together and we’ll discuss it later. For the moment, just think about sittin’ in the saddle for the first time.”

“Okay, but before we go, by any chance do you know Matt Thompson, the cowboy who lives at the base of Lone Pine Hill?”

“I sure do. I also know Callum Coleman and Devlin Pike. They both own ranches in the same area.”

“It’s just a long shot, but I thought, with Matt’s background in the Special Forces, he might be able to identify those sounds.”
