Page 30 of Stallion

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“Right now?”

“I’m afraid so. One of our developments has hit a major snag and I have to sort things out in person. But I’ve arranged for David Graham to stay at the house while I’m gone.”


“For starters, his presence might help keep the peace between you and Bethany, but also because of those noises you keep hearing. I’m hoping he might be able to find the source, though I suspect it’s probably something to do with the plumbing.”

“Then why don’t we hear it during the day?”

“Huh, good question.”

“I have a recording of them. I managed to get it last night. I’ll send it to you, and I’ll play them for David as well.”

“You do that. I’d listen to it now but the jet’s waiting and I have to run. I’ll check in with you later, and please, hon, try not to fight with Bethany.”

“I’ll do better than that. I’ll avoid her.”

“Good idea. If you do cross paths, just don’t make any provocative comments. By the way, you look good on that horse,” he added with a wink. “I hope you keep it up.”

“Thanks, I will,” she replied earnestly. “I can’t exactly ride yet, but I absolutely love sitting in the saddle.”

“I’m very pleased to hear it. Good to meet you, Noah. It’s a nice place you have here.”

“Thanks, Mr. Mitchell. Safe travels.”

* * *

“Your father seems like a nice guy,” Noah remarked as Tom disappeared around the side of the barn.

“Dad’s the best, and I’m really happy about David Graham coming to the house.”

“Who is he?”

“Head of Security for the lumber yard, but he oversees other stuff as well. From what I understand he used to be in the Special Forces like Matt Thompson. Huh. I wonder if they know each other.”

“Elk Valley is a small community. They probably do. But back to your ridin’. Are you ready to walk Candy around without me?”

“Do you think I can?”

“I wouldn’t suggest it if I didn’t. You know how to steer, how to stop, and how to push the accelerator. Move into the middle of the ring, then turn around and come back to me. Don’t let the reins get too long, but no hard pullin’.”


Ellie gave the mare a gentle squeeze with her lower leg and a light tug on the right rein. As the mare left the rail and ambled towards the center of the ring, Noah studied Ellie’s body position.

Some people appeared awkward when they first sat in a saddle, but Ellie looked like she belonged there. She was relaxed, and her lower leg was light against the horse. Many beginners sought security by clamping their calves. Even her hips were moving with the mare’s motion.

“This is a breeze,” she exclaimed as she turned and walked back towards him.

“Ellie, you’re a natural.”

“You’re not just saying that?”

“Nope. I’m jumpin’ on Rosey to walk around with you.”

“Can I stay up here?”

“Ellie, there’s no way I’d leave you alone in the saddle, regardless of how quiet and easy the horse is. Come on down.”
