Page 45 of Cruz: Skin Deep

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Once he had her pants off, he tossed them aside and started rubbing the calf of one leg. She was moaning again. His cock was hard and his pants were so tight it was getting painful. He held her leg up with one hand and rubbed it with the other. He stood up out of the chair and put her leg between his thighs, so both of his hands were free to work on her.

He used one of his hands to release his belt and the top buttons of his pants to take a little bit of pressure off his throbbing cock.

He returned to rubbing her leg and then swapped that leg for the other and rubbed down her calves.

“A sec,” he said. He needed lube to make it easier, but he wasn't sure what was available.

She heard him rummaging and said, “Are you looking for something?”

“Massage oil if you have any,” he said, with a laugh.

“If only,” she said. “In my backpack there’s some skin moisturizer.”

He didn’t want to go through her backpack, so he picked it up and brought it over to her. She leaned on one arm and unzipped it and pulled out a container. He twisted the top off the bottle and squirted the cream on his hand. He put the moisturizer down on the floor at the base of the bed after setting her backpack down on the floor.

As his hands glided over her flawless, tanned, and toned calves, his eyes were focused on the gap between her legs where the thong wasn't covering all of her butt hole. He could see a peak of her pussy lips to one side of the thong. He was having trouble focusing.

He wanted to ripoff his clothes to release his aching cock then roll her over and look into her beautiful eyes while he fucked her.

He stood up and said, “Roll over, babe.” She did as he told her and watched as he peeled his clothes off slowly.

If she lived for a hundred years, she knew she’d never see a more beautiful sight than the man standing naked in front of her now. She loved his tattoos…they made him look even hotter. There were no scars on this man. He was picture perfect in her eyes.

She was naked from the waist down and the way he was looking at her sent a shudder ripping through her and racing down her spine.

She could see he was about to attack her. She smiled and said, “Fuck me, Cruz.”

His cock was hard when he leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. His hands were either side of her body, holding himself up off her. She reached for his cock but just as she grasped it, he brought one hand up to her top and started to push it up.

She lay there, frozen, and unsure what to do next with her eyes glued to Cruz’s hand as he edged her shirt up. Her heart was racing, and she didn’t know if this would be the end of everything she’d come to love in the last few days, but she grabbed his hand with hers and stopped him from going any further.

He didn’t say anything. He could see she was distressed and could tell she wanted to get up, so he moved off her and she got off the bed and rushed to the bathroom, locking the door.

He stood there wondering what had just happened. What had he done wrong? And then, it dawned on him. He’d had an inkling she was hiding something when he’d touched his finger between her breasts, and she flinched when he’d told her what he really wanted to know about her. What was in her heart.

He suspected she’d had breast surgery, but he thought now that it wasn’t just for vanity. He felt her pain…he wanted to hold her, to tell her everything was alright…because it was. It was the heart of the person he’d been falling in love with, not the body she was keeping it prisoner in.

He was still naked. His cock was flaccid. He didn’t reach for his clothes. He tapped lightly on the door. He could hear her sobbing. “Edie…this is the last door you will ever need to open.”

She’d been facing away from the door. She’d felt ashamed and scared. But when he said that she turned slowly on the spot and reached for the handle. She flicked the lock and sucked in a breath when she heard it click. It echoed in her head. This was it…this was everything.

She was shaking as she watched the handle turn and the door edged open.

Cruz was standing before her now, naked and waiting. His green eyes were filled with compassion. He kept his eyes focused on hers.

She blew out the breath she’d been holding and sucked in another. He was giving her all the time she needed.

This is it. Please, God…She didn’t even know what to ask of God. She hooked her fingers under her top and pulled it up and over her head. She turned her eyes down to the floor and was about to slide her hands up her back to unhook her bra when he stepped forward and placed his hands on her shoulders and gently turned her away.

When she had her back to him, he unhooked the bra and let it fall to the floor.

He slipped his arms around her and bent his head down and buried his face into the side of her neck and breathed in. “You smell beautiful.”

She was about to speak when he said, “You are beautiful.” He let his hands slide up and over her naked breasts. She was holding her breath but when he did that, she let it out, and dropped her shoulders. She brought her hands up and covered his. No one had touched her like that since her operation. No one had touched her like that…ever.

He bit her neck with his lips covering his teeth. It was sending shivers up her spine. She almost felt normal…whole again. He continued to lick and suck and bite on her neck…all the while holding onto her breasts.

She could feel his cock swelling between her butt cheeks.
