Page 29 of Magic Cursed

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He gives me a sad smile.

I close the door and let the tears fall, feeling more lonely than I have since my time on the streets.

* * *

The next morning, I rush to get dressed in another one of the fine gowns Mrs. Dower laid out for me. My wounds are achy from my tussle with Daimis the night before, but I won’t risk healing myself again until I’m far from this castle and all of Thaaryn. I’ll need my energy for the travel even if it means sore wounds.

Once Daimis gets my things and I leave the castle, I’ll have to find someone to sell the dragon scale to and who can sell me a ticket to the Southern Isles. The only person I knew who did, perished at the black market. I keep questioning whether I should say goodbye to Kellan. I don’t want to just disappear so abruptly from his life again, but what are the alternatives? If I tell him I’m leaving, he may try to stop me. No matter how much I like Kellan and his do-good attitude, I like my freedom more.

I’m impatiently pacing my rooms when Daimis slips in with my satchel, leathers, and weapons in his hands.

I sigh in relief and close the distance. “Oh, you are a good prince today.”

He smiles. “For helping a criminal?”

I match his smile. “That’s my favorite kind.”

He chuckles, it’s so casual and sohim, or at least the Daimis I remember. He lays my things on the dining table.

“Did you run into trouble?”

“No trouble.” He hands me my leathers. “Hurry and change though. We shouldn’t linger.”

“I can’t wear—” I stop short when I turn them over and realize they’ve been mended where the shadow demon had punctured through the leather.

“I figured you couldn’t wear them in their current state and had a seamstress see to them.”

He didn’t have to do that. I have a simple dress inside the satchel, which I’m sure he rummaged through and saw, and yet, he took the time and expense to repair my leathers.

I beam at him. “Well, you are full of surprises. Who knew there was a kind heart under all that brooding handsomeness?”

“Don’t tell anyone.” He winks. “May not be able to keep the women off me if word got out.”

“Like that would make a difference.” I walk toward the bathing chamber but stop and look at him over my shoulder. “Thank you, Daimis.”

“A thank you?” He lifts a brow. “We’ve both been holding back.”

I chuckle and walk into the bathing chamber to change. There’s no door, so Daimis turns around out of respect. “Will I have trouble getting out the gates?” I ask as I change.

“Not with me escorting you.”

I finish dressing and check the hidden pocket sewn into the leather in the torso. I breathe a sigh of relief when my fingers find my pendant, ring, and the old letter from Daimis. I should get rid of them, just in case, and yet, I can’t. I close the hidden pocket.

I walk out of the bathing chamber, just as I’m finishing the buckle on my belt. My blades are now tucked securely at my hips in their holsters.

“I finally feel a bit like myself again,” I say.

Daimis turns around and praises me. His eyes roam down my body and back up again. I earn a feeling of pure female satisfaction under the admiration of his gaze. I know I look damn good in my skin-tight leathers that hug my every curve.

Daimis clears his throat. “We need to be sure we don’t run into the Regent. He wanted you on this quest and won’t appreciate my setting you free.”

I grab my satchel from the table. “I hope you won’t get into trouble on my behalf.”

“Let’s be honest,” Daimis deadpans. “You don't care if I get into trouble, just as long as you get what you want.”

The jab hurts because it’s not entirely untrue. But he’s probably the only person in the world I don’t want to cause any more trouble for. He’s had enough of that from my family. I drop my gaze and rummage through my pack until my fingers brush over the scale and my coin pouch. I sling the pack across my body and head for the door. “Don’t worry, I’ll get out myself,” I say over my shoulder.

“Sky, wait,” Daimis grabs my arm, bringing me to a stop.
