Page 23 of Chorus of Ashes

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The meadow was alight with fireflies. They danced and shimmered in a sea of sparkling lights that led all the way to the edge of the cliffs. The sun had just set, silky streaks of pink dashed across the inky sky, and Rian stood at the front of the meadow, in dark pants and shirt, his hair combed neatly back.

In his hands, he held roses.

“This is … unexpected,” Terra murmured.

“I’m working on manners with this one,” Callahan said at her side.

“A tricky charge you’ve undertaken.”

“Like a thorn in my side.” Callahan laughed. “Too bad I have a dear love for roses. Be gentle with him, Lady Terra. He wears a tough shield, but there’s a crack in it.”

“I’ll take it under consideration.”

Callahan released her arm and faded away when they reached where Rian stood, his face immutable, his eyes hawklike as he watched her. She waited for him to hand her the flowers, to move, speak … to do anything really. When the moment drew out and he just stood there, frozen, she threw up her hands and laughed.

“Is that all there is to this date then? You staring at me in silence?”

Rian jolted, as though suddenly becoming aware of where he was, and jerked his arm forward.

“For you.”

“Thank you,” Terra said, accepting the small hand-tied bouquet. She wondered if he’d picked the flowers himself. Not likely. A man like him usually had people do things for them. Or did he? It was hard to meld the two versions of Rian she vaguely knew —the Earth Fae’s once-respected magicks teacher and a ruthless millionaire businessman in the human realm.

Which man was he tonight?

Rian led her across the meadow to a cluster of trees near the same spot where they’d exchanged their kiss the night before. Did he choose this spot deliberately? Immediately, her mind flashed to how good he’d tasted at her lips.

“I hope this will suit,” Rian said, coming to a stop by a carpet that had been laid on the grass beneath the trees with a few cushions scattered across it. At the side, lay a long plank of wood with bowls of fruits and sweets, and a rough-hewn jug of what Terra presumed to be wine. Lights sparkled in the trees above, and Terra’s heart sighed. In any other circumstance, this would have been the perfect first date — outside, under the stars, and with an interesting companion. That whole captive thing kind of put a hitch in the romance aspect of all of this, but Terra reminded herself to stick to the plan. It was clear that Rian was confused, and that was something he wasn’t used to navigating. She basically had to show him why he needed to side with the Earth Fae once more.

Or even just to be on her side.

Or above her.

Terra shook away the thought of Rian spreading her legs, hovering his body over her, that wicked smile on his lips. A faint flush worked its way across her skin, and she wondered if he had any idea just how attracted to him she was.

“It’s lovely here. Sheltered, but not too sheltered,” Terra said. An ocean-soaked breeze kissing her cheeks was one of Terra’s favorite things, and here, where the cliffs jutted proudly out into the sea, was perfect for it.

“Please.” Rian took her hand and steadied her as she lowered herself to the carpet. Not that she needed it. Terra’s legs were thick with muscles from long days traversing her lands. Nevertheless, the touch of Rian’s palm, and the sweet gesture, made her feel just a bit helpless, which was also a feeling that Terra rarely entertained.

Settling the folds of her dress around her legs, Terra waited while Rian sat across from her and stared at her. The silence drew out between them, and Terra was torn on whether to break it herself or allow him to do so. Knowing that silence was often a good tool in a negotiation, she decided to wait him out and see what he would lead with. Pasting a small smile on her lips, she relaxed back onto the carpet, propping her head on her hand as she watched him.

“What’s your family like?” Rian blurted out, and Terra raised an eyebrow. Interesting. Family must be on his mind, which meant he was likely thinking about the loss of his mother.

“May I?” Terra asked, angling her face at the jug of wine. If she was going to talk about her family, and their difficulties, a little wine would ease the tension.

“Oh, right. I’m sorry. Where are my manners?” Rian shook his head and busied himself with pouring her a glass of rich red wine. There it was again, the contrasts in this man. She was his prisoner and yet he apologized for not pouring her wine. Increasingly, Terra was becoming convinced that Bianca’s plan of wooing Rian was the right one.

“Sláinte,” Rian said, and handed her a cup. Terra sipped, enjoying the touch of sweetness in the wine, and then met Rian’s assessing look.

“I have two brothers. One older than me, and one younger. Eoghan is my older brother and he … well, he’s very reserved. A serious sort. Takes his duties as records keeper seriously. We often butted heads because when I was chosen as the next leader of the Earth Fae, well, I didn’t always follow the rules — or issue a rule — in a manner that Eoghan would see fit. He has a particular way of looking at the world. Almost black and white, with very little tolerance for the gray areas of life. He was never one to be all that frivolous or take part in celebrations. His sweet spot is his fondness for animals. He’s like me in that respect. Once in a while, he’d join me in the afternoons, and we’d wander in silence through the forest, stopping to greet our animal friends. Those were my favorite times with him before…”

“Before what?” Rian asked, cocking his head, and Terra realized she’d been staring off toward the dark water.

“Ah, well. Eoghan’s wife is the one who … well, she cheated on him. With, well, not you. But…”

“It was your brother?” Rian exclaimed, straightening. His eyes snapped in his face, and Terra’s shoulders stiffened.

“It was. That’s why I had to stop looking for evidence…” Terra trailed off as Rian swore and looked away, his face mutinous. She was surprised the wine glass didn’t crack in his hand, he was fisting it so tightly.
