Page 1 of Runaway Mate

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“No one understands how precious the young are more than we do,” Blossom tried to soothe us with. “We would not ask something like this if we weren’t desperate.”

That’s a lie, though, I thought.

I couldn’t give them the benefit of the doubt anymore; they’d been around long enough to have met at least a few other pairs of soulmates, and I was certain they’d proposed the same to them.

The previous pairs probably didn’t have quite as unique heritages as Sariel and I did, but still—with the way Tarragon’s expression had shifted to desperation at our silence, it was easy to believe that there wasn’t much he wouldn’t do to please his wife. And from the way Blossom was fidgeting and glancing at him every chance she got, the feeling was mutual.

Under different circumstances, I might’ve envied their relationship. Not the struggle they’d gone through to be together but their willingness to do whatever it took to make the other happy.

Under different circumstances, I also wouldn’t be sitting here, listening to them try to reason with Sariel about the matter of sacrificing our firstborn child to them.

Sacrificing is a bit extreme, Aria.

The rest of the room came into focus with a rush of sound. I could barely suppress the sudden overwhelming sensation to puke all over the fancy table before me. Maybe even projectile vomit onto Blossom, whose expression had morphed into some smug satisfaction at my apparent disgust at their suggestion.

So, you’d be okay with handing over our firstborn child to these… these fucking crazy people?

It was a struggle not to turn to Sariel, snap at him, and maybe shake him.

A loud moan interrupted my struggle. My head broke out of Sariel’s grip and into the direction of a couple in the corner—I stared at them without seeing them.

No. No, Aria. I wouldn’t. But we also have no choice right now. Do you think we’d leave here alive if we said no?

I wanted to argue, scream, stomp my feet, and demand a redo of this situation. A redo of my entire life, really.

This couldn’t be it. This couldn’t be my destiny. Did I have to sacrifice some part of myself just to feel safe? It was complete madness. The insanity of this entire situation was acting like a fertilizer for the unease that had sprouted in the pit of my gut, my unease growing and morphing into something hideous.

Sariel exhaled behind me. After that, I finally realized that the others at the table had gone quiet while I stared at the fae couple fucking violently, not even six feet from me.

I was then reminded that Sariel and I hadn’t even had sex yet. We’d been intimate, but notthatintimate, and now… it was very likely that our first time would be marred by the fact that people were pressuring us to do so, expecting a child to be conceived. A child I would then be forced to give away after carrying it.


I can’t do this, Sariel,I interrupted. I turned to look at him, praying that I was able to convey how distressing this was for me.They want our child? Ourchild, Sariel?

My wolf was murderous. She wanted to sink her claws and teeth into Blossom and Tarragon, viewing them as threats to our possible future children.

I opened the bond to its fullest. I felt Sariel tense as my anxiety and repulsion at the very suggestion flooded him.

His answer was to open his side of the bond as well. I managed to get a glimpse of his angel’s ire before he slammed it back shut; his eyes sparked and glowed, then returned to their regular hazel, his lips pursed into a flat line.

Do you think this is easy for me, Aria? One of us has to be the voice of reason right now, and it’s not going to be you. The responsibility falls on me to do whatever’s necessary to keep you safe; it’s the only thing stopping my angel from trying to kill everyone in this goddamn room.

My heart raced as he spoke. Our eyes met, locking, and I felt his sincerity through the bond as he continued.

I need you to understand thatnoneof our children will ever end up in the hands of other people. Even if we both died, they would never go to the fae. You need to understand that I would cut my own wings off and offer them to the fae on a silver platter if it would satisfy them before I ever consider giving them our baby.

Tell me that you understand that, Aria. Tell me that you understand I would do anything to protect you and our future children.

I swallowed harshly around a painful ball of emotion that had clogged my airway. Tears formed along my lashline, and I had to blink rapidly to keep them at bay.

Tell me, Aria,he urged. I could see that my hesitation made him nervous.
