Page 2 of Runaway Mate

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I understand,I said at last.

Good.He let out a deep breath.Now that that’s out of the way, there’s no reason we can’t fake trying for a child until we figure out how the hell to leave.

Fake it?

Pretend we’re having premarital coitus, Aria. Fake having sex.

My lips twitched despite myself. I finally looked away from him to the King, Queen, and their advisors, who patiently waited for our answer.

They don’t seem like the type of people to respect our privacy. What if they spy on us?

Now existing in my head was a list of things that set Sariel Ambrose off, one that my wolf and I had jointly compiled subconsciously. I sighed when I felt his angel slam against the bond with a furious growl, some of which leaked out into Sariel’s own mouth.

I reached for him on instinct, placing a soothing palm on his thigh and rubbing gently.Easy, I soothed.It was just a thought.

“We have terms of our own if this is to work,” Sariel began through gritted teeth. “First of all, there’s to be no spying or listening in or anything intrusive regarding the— theprocess.”

Tarragon blinked, and then his eyes narrowed. “My wife and I would like to be present during the conception of our child.”

Sariel leaned forward slowly. Out of my peripheral vision, I could see his eyes glowing.

I was too stunned even to speak. My brain could barely comprehend the words that had left Tarragon’s mouth. He wanted to—theywanted to watch? Gods.

The way my wolf’s grip on her sanity was unraveling was definitely not good, but I could not find it in me to reel her in. Instead, I hoped my own eyes glowed like my fallen-blood ancestors.

I paused at that thought. It was such a simple notion, and yet it meant something monumental to me. It was like I was beginning to accept the fallen-blood side of myself despite having spent years trying to suppress it…

Notlike, I realized. Iwasaccepting it.

My wolf now became aware that I was accepting her entirely, her blackout rages and sometimes unmanageable temper included. She let out a sound that was vaguely purr-like, which filled my head.

“It’s not enough that you want our child, but you want to watch me be intimate with my soulmate, too?” Sariel’s words echoed barely restrained rage.

I leaned into his side, attempting to soothe him. That might have worked any other time, but I was volatile on my own, and I gathered the feeling that I was only feeding his irritation and rage as opposed to ebbing it.

Tarragon’s head cocked to the side. Foxglove raised an eyebrow at Sariel’s tone, then glanced not-so-subtly around the room as if to remind us that the fae don’t particularly care about the same thing we do.

“I don’t see the issue,” Tarragon said with a frown.

Blossom sighed.

“Tarragon,” she started quietly. “They have been raised amongst humans. So they are shy about sex.”

I hated that heat that flooded my cheeks at that thought. Now was not the time to be embarrassed.

I hung on to my anger with both hands, uncaring for the flush that began to climb my face, pink spreading up my cheeks and across my chest.

“We haven’t even had sex yet,” Sariel snapped. “You want our firstborn? Fine. But you willnotbe there when we’re trying. My mate and I deserve that much privacy for what we’re willing to give up.”

My entire being revolted at the idea of giving themanything.

“You haven’t solidified the bond?” Tarragon asked in disbelief. Sariel’s proclamation caught the attention of the advisors as well. “Why not? What’s stopping you?”

Sariel and I exchanged a glance. This confirmed what Neo had pointed out previously—sex solidified the bond.

“We’ve been busy running for our lives,” Sariel answered with a glare as he sat back heavily in his chair. “Or did you forget why we were here in the first place?”

Blossom sat forward carefully. “We were just surprised, is all. From the other bonds we’ve seen, it’s almost impossible for mates to keep their hands off each other. They were insatiable in their first year of knowing each other.”
