Page 123 of Power

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“I think Amy’s going to love it.” The restaurant isn’t set to open for another six months. She and Fay have become inseparable. Amy’s boyfriend proposed a few months ago, and Fay offered to throw her an engagement party at the restaurant. She said it would be a good test run before she opened the doors to the public.

“I still can’t believe she said yes to letting me do this.”

I kiss her forehead. “She’d be crazy not to.”

Amy became a constant in our life when my father died. After I stepped down from MIC, I started an LLC, working with investors who wanted to sell land. Instead of buying it, I was helping companies, investors, and real estate moguls search out the best deals to make them a long-term flow of money. When I walked away from MIC, with Fay’s wise advice, I took Amy with me. I hate to admit it, but I took her twat friend, Kyle, too. He’s become an asset to my company, but I keep that to myself.

Within the first three months, I had a full clientele and waitlist. And when Fay calms down, I’m going to share that my small group of trustworthy shareholders has agreed to expand, opening two additional offices.

“God, I hope she loves the dishes I chose. I mean—if she doesn’t, how will the general public? What if—”

“Stop. Self-doubt doesn’t look good on you. You’re amazing, and you know it.”

My girl shrugs, trying her damnedest to hold back her smirk. “You’re right. I am. I want it all to be perfect. It’s not every day someone says yes to catering their engagement dinner. I don’t think she actually said yes. More like I told her. Shit, what if she really doesn’t want this?”

I cup her cheek. “She wants this. She won’t shut the hell up at work about how excited she is. I’m about to give her a pay cut if she doesn’t—”

I chuckle when she whips me in the gut with a dish towel. “You’ll do no such thing. It’s just. . . I’m hosting seventy-five people!” There’s fear and excitement mixed in her voice. “What if the liquor license isn’t approved in time?”

I pull the envelope out of my suit coat. “Good thing it got approved today, then.”

“Gah!” She squeals and jumps into my arms. “Holy shit! Why didn’t you tell me?”

I kiss her chin and her cheek and bring her lips to mine. “It was delivered right before I left.”

She returns the gesture, kissing me back. “Amy’s going to be so relieved. Can you imagine seventy-five people, not to mention mixed family members, trying to make conversationsober?”

“The travesty.” I take my thumb and rub it down her cheek. “You have green sauce on your face.”

She looks up at me, and the glimmer in her eyes makes my heart swell.

“I probably look a mess.”

I inhale and exhale slowly, keeping my emotions at bay. I raise my hand and brush her wild hair behind her ear. “You look like someone I don’t deserve. But my selfish self says you look like my forever.” My words get caught in my throat as I reach for the box that’s been burning a hole in my pocket for days, waiting for the right moment. I allow her to slide down my body until her feet are secure. “Fable Evans.” I drop to one shaky knee, and her mouth drops open. I ignore it, making myself continue. “I’m not good for you. You probably secretly hate me. . .” I take a breath. “But as you know, I take what I want. I have control issues, but nothing compares to the power you have over my heart.”

I reach up, catching a falling tear. “I fell in love with you the moment you tripped into my arms. I felt your heartbeat against mine, and it changed my life.”

She chuckles as she wipes at her cheek. “If you could see yourself through my eyes, you’d know you’re a blessing, a miracle, this beautiful enigma. . . and you wouldn’t question anything. I’m not worthy of you, but I’ll cherish the gift I was given until you decide you’re done with me.”

I open the box, my fingers shaking, and reach for the diamond ring I spent endless hours choosing. Not to mention the additional time I endured listening to Mindy try to convince me her girl wanted a pink diamond. “Fable Evans, will you marry me?”

Tears cascade down her beautiful cheeks. She wraps her arms around me, hugging me tightly, my eyes filling with the same emotion. When she pulls back, I smile, dying to hear her say—


I’m still smiling when her reply settles in. “No?”

“No. I can’t have a man who threatens me with a Netflix bill whenever times get tough—which I still think is high. I need a man willing to throw me in the bedroom and take care of me.”

Little brat. “If that’s the case, I’ll cancel the service altogether.”

Her eyes widen. “Well, don’t do that. The new season ofTop Chefstarts next week.”

“I’ll call the company and threaten their lives if they don't lower the monthly payment.”

She thinks about it and nods, easing my worrying heart. “Okay. We have a deal.”

“A deal?” I look up at her.

“Yes. I’ll commit to being your wife, the other half of your heart. Because that’s what you are to me.”

Fuck. I grab her and pull her down, choking back my tears as I slide the ring on her finger. When she pushes me backward and topples us over, I take it. I take the musical giggles and bask in the happiness that washes over me. This love. . . it’s intense and scary, but it’s real. It has power. And damn, does it feel good.

The End
