Page 61 of Bonds We Break

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“Thanks, babe.” I can feel his excitement is clipped, and I know it’s because he misses Adam.

“You wish Adam were here?” I ask.

Wade nods.

“Have you spoken to him?”

Wade shakes his head. “It’s just better we give each other space. Makes it harder to move on when you are stuck in the past.”

I don’t disagree.

“When does your family get here?” I ask.

“They get in tomorrow. You’ll get to see Maude.” Wade sounds excited for me to see his younger sister.

“I bet she’s all grown up now. It’s been ages.” I think back to her hanging out in the garage as the band practiced, annoying the fuck out of Wade. I chuckle to myself at the thought. It sounds like they get along better now.

“She’s still annoying,” Wade admits rolling his eyes, and I laugh.

We cross the busy street and head down the sidewalk lined with restaurants and shops until we get to the Thai restaurant Wade mentioned. “I’m glad to have some time with just you and me before everyone else gets here,” he admits.

“Cash wanted to be here, but with everything going on at the record store, he couldn’t get away.” I don’t tell Wade that I asked Cash to stay behind because I needed some space. Although, he has had a lot to deal with, and getting away would have been difficult.

We sit down in the booth and the waitress hands us the menus but I already know what I want to order. Wade looks over the menu as if he doesn’t know what he wants, but he’s the type of person who orders the same thing at every restaurant.

“How is everything?” he asks as he looks up from his menu.

“The record store is doing really well,” I reply and force a smile. “Cash has been busy.” I look down at my menu.

“That’s not what I asked,” Wade says sternly.

I look up at Wade, annoyed. “I’m fine.” I’m tired of people asking how I am, because in reality, they don’t really want to know. They are just asking to be polite. If I told them that I am scared I will lose my mind or sad that I’m faced with the reality that I won’t have a family, what will they say? What can they say? So I answer with I’m fine because that’s what they want to hear. I should have known better that I wouldn’t get away with saying that to Wade.

“Are you ready to order?” the waitress interrupts.

I say yes just as Wade says no. He gives me an annoyed look.

“Can you give us a minute?” Wade tells her.

“I’m hungry, what are you doing?”

“Do not give me some bullshit obligatory answer,” Wade spits, narrowing his eyes at me.

“What do you want from me, Wade?” I slam the menu down on the table.

“I want the truth,” he says, as if it’s so easy.

He’s always been able to see right through me, and I’ve always been willing to tell him everything, but not this time.

“He’s so disappointed,” I answer, shifting the focus to Cash.

“Not in you?” Wade asks angrily.

“No, not in me,” I say softly, but sometimes I wonder. Maybe I am not the right woman for Cash. I can’t give him the life that he wants, the life he deserves. He wanted a family, and now he’ll never be able to have one. Huntington’s is a genetic disease, and there’s a fifty percent chance I could pass this on to our baby. I refuse to take that chance and Cash said he understood, but it doesn’t mean he is happy about it. “I can’t help but feel responsible.”

Wade reaches across the table and grabs a hold of my hand. “I wish I could have been there.” There’s a sorrowful smile on his face. All Wade knows is that I was in a car accident that caused the miscarriage.

“Cash blames himself, and no matter what I say, it doesn’t change his mind.” If he had just driven me home, I wouldn’t have had the seizure while I was driving. I wouldn’t have lost the baby. The funny thing about fate is that it would have happened another way, on another day.
