Page 62 of Bonds We Break

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“Everything is still so fresh. I’m sure after time…”

“Perhaps,” I interrupt him, knowing there will never be another time.

“So you’ve come here to escape him?” Wade asks.

I sigh and lean back in the booth. Wade knows me too well. “We both need a break.” This connection we once had feels as if it’s been severed, and I don’t know how to get it back.

“You can’t push him away, Mia,” Wade accuses me.

“That’s not what I’m doing,” I say defensively.

“I know you.” Wade eyes me as if he can see inside to all my secrets. “You don’t like to confront problems.”

“Just like what you did with Adam?” I accuse him.

“That’s not fair, Mia.”

“You pushed Adam away.”

Wade narrows his eyes at me. “My situation is not the same as yours.”

He replies angrily. “I’m supposed to give up my dreams for him?”

“No, but you figure it out because you belong together.” I can see it so clearly. I wish Wade did. I’ve watched Adam throw himself into his work, but he hasn’t gotten over Wade and I don’t think he ever will.

“You gave up too quickly,” I accuse him.

“I could say the same for you.” He brings the conversation back to me, and I huff in frustration.

“I’m not giving up,” I say quietly. “We both just need time.” At least I hope that is all it will take.

“I don’t think we are going to solve anything today,” Wade says, pursing his lips.

I blow out a clarifying breath. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry. You’re right, though. Maybe we did give up too quickly,” he agrees.

“Of course I’m right,” I grumble, shaking the menu in front of me and checking to make sure they have the dish I usually get at the Thai place in Santa Monica.

The waitress comes back to the table and we order. My stomach grumbles; I didn’t realize just how hungry I am. Admittedly, I haven’t had much of an appetite lately, but arguing with Wade always makes me hungry.

“Okay, so enough of that. We’re meeting my roommate and some friends tonight at a karaoke bar,” he tells me rather than asking.

I raise my eyebrows at his commanding tone and then nod in agreement. “But I am not singing,” I state, pointing my fork at him.

“We’ll see if you feel the same after a couple of shots,” he teases and waves me off.

It will be nice to meet Wade’s friends, get out, and have a little bit of fun.

“But first we eat.” His eyes get big as the waitress drops off our plates of food.

AFTER CHECKING INTO my hotel and dropping off my bags, I had some time to freshen up before meeting Wade and his friends at one of the local college bars. It’s located near campus and decorated with UC Berkeley colors. The bartender is situated in the center with a wrap-around glossy wood counter, and vintage ornate lights hang down from the ceiling. High-tops are scattered around the bar, and in the corner is a karaoke stage with a mic and a projector screen.

Wade is currently singing one of Wham’s famous hits I’m Your Man, and I can’t bear to watch. He’s a better drummer than he is a singer. His other friends are playing a game of darts across the room, so it’s just me and Greta, a girl from his study group. She’s a petite brown-haired girl with black cat-eye-shaped glasses, soft brown eyes, and a nose piercing. Her bangs are cut short and bushy, but the rest of her hair is straight, resting just below her shoulders.

“So, you and Wade were in a band together?” Greta asks as she plops down next to me at our table, placing a drink in front of me.

“Yes.” I don’t know what Wade has told his friends, but they don’t seem to be affected by his former celebrity status - or mine for that matter.
