Page 101 of Beautiful Lies

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Out of the corner of my eye, I see Beth appear at the entrance of the auditorium, followed by Laura, and then Ashley. For a moment I’m elated because I don’t get to spend a lot of time with Ashley, and I know Noelle will be excited that she’s here, but quickly that elation falls off into the abyss to be replaced with anxiety.

“Tell me you did not invite them,” I scowl at my dad.

“He really does play dirty,” Georgie says next to me.

“It came out. What was I supposed to do?” He shrugs but then stands, waving at Beth and making a spectacle.

“Do you mind moving down?” he says to the family sitting next to us.

“Oh my God.” I cup my hand to my face in embarrassment.

“Just over a couple more if you don’t mind,” he directs them. The family shuffles over, more confused than angry. The auditorium fills with our voices, shuffling feet, and annoyed sighs.

As Beth makes her way through the aisle, I catch a glimpse of Ianna, whom I didn’t notice was with them at first. She gives me an excited smile and I remember how she’d asked me about Noelle’s music all those months ago at the bridal shower.

My dad stands up, offering his seat to Beth and I give him a dirty look to which he shrugs at. Ignoring Georgie snickering next to me, I give Beth a tight smile and she gives one back.

“Sorry I’m late,” she offers, shifting in her seat uncomfortably while Laura takes the seat next to her, and then my dad makes room for Ianna.

Noelle will be happy she has family in the audience, and I’m glad that after everything, Beth is here. I want to tell her how much I appreciate it, but before I can say anything, the director taps the mic, piercing our ears with loud feedback that’s quickly corrected. While the announcements of tonight’s lineup are given, I tilt my head towards Beth in the dim auditorium, offering her a genuine smile which she seems to recognize as an olive branch. Peering down the row I mouth a hello to Ashley who waves excitedly. My dad pokes his head down the line, sitting at the end next to Ianna, and I narrow my eyes at him.

“Benjamin is a character,” Georgie whispers.

“Yeah, a real character,” I mumble as the show begins.

The curtain opens to the main orchestra, and Noelle is near the front wearing her black dress with a white collar, violin at her chin, her brow furrowed looking out to the crowd, as excited murmurs travel down our row.

Georgie smacks my arm excitedly with pride making me laugh. When the piece is over, the auditorium is filled with clapping. The night is filled with cello and piano solos, but none are as great as when it’s your own kid on stage, playing a piece she composed herself. When the last chord echoes through the auditorium, I shoot out of my seat clapping loudly, the sound amplified like thunder when our whole row jumps out of their seats, clapping. I’m not just swelling in pride for Noelle, but for the pridetheyhave for her.

“I had no idea she was so talented,” Ianna says, and she’s the first one to hug me, crushing the flowers I’d brought to my chest after the concert. Everyone stands near the exit to the parking lot, gathered around the stage doors waiting for our kids to pile out.

“Thank you,” I say, hugging her back. She looks different without her kids, less harried, and more relaxed.

Her phone buzzes in her hands and she lifts a finger as a way of saying hang on, while she answers. “She can only have one,” I hear her say as she moves away from the crowd. “I told her before I left. She’s playing you, Andy,” she says to her husband on the phone.

“It was wonderful. I felt like I was at a real concert,” Laura gushes. “Didn’t you think so?” Laura asks as she turns to Beth.

We exchange glances and polite smiles, but I wonder how she really feels about being here, about seeing me in particular.

“You should be really proud. She’s just…” Beth pauses, presumably trying to find the right words.

“Magnificent!” Georgie cuts in, and Beth laughs a little tightly. I find I like the sound of it.

My attention is diverted the minute I see Noelle emerge from the auditorium exit. The look on her face is pure shock at seeing her Aunt Beth and the rest of the family.

Holding the flowers in my hand, I wait my turn while the rest of the family bombards her with praise and hugs. The minute the crowd parts, she tilts her head at me with a beautiful smile, walking right into my arms.

“I’m so proud of you, kid,” I say, kissing the top of her head.

She takes the flowers, smelling the bouquet of white roses, lavender lilies, and carnations. “These are so beautiful.”

Before I get another chance to tell her how wonderful the show was, she grabs Ashley and whisks her away to see her friends, all wanting to share in the excitement.

“Should we go toMaggiano’s?” Dad asks. “I’m hungry.”

“Oh,” I say, clearly not having thought that far yet. Beth looks at Laura uncomfortably.

Our dad stands looking between us, seeing the obvious tension. “You need to get over this nonsense,” he scolds us. “So what if Lake boinked your brother-in-law?” He shrugs and I feel the heat creep up my neck and into my cheeks.
