Page 119 of Beautiful Lies

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“Fucking wild cat,” Adrian mutters as he pulls me into him, and before I can protest, he kisses me.

Smiling against his lips, I ask, “Are you trying to shut me up with a kiss?”

Adrian nods, a chuckle making his chest shake. “Stay out of trouble, will ya?”

“Adrian!” one of the producers calls, motioning with his hand for Adrian to get ready.

“I have a spot for you up front.” He motions to the crowd at the front of the stage.

“But I like watching from the side of the stage. You know I don’t like being around all those people,” I protest.

“I want to be able to see you.”

“Let’s go!” one of the guys yells, tapping Adrian on the shoulder and handing him a guitar.

He gives me a kiss and points to the front of the stage. One of the security guards helps me through the crowd to the front of the stage where there’s an area blocked off just for me.

It’s louder on the field but I have a great view of the stage, and I watch with a smile on my face as Adrian walks out. It never gets old watching him play and seeing how the crowd responds to him. He’s so natural with the way he connects with people, and the way he looks so at ease up there.

“Tonight I have a special guest,” Adrian says to the crowd, surprising me. He never mentioned he’d be playing with someone tonight. “I hope you will indulge me because she is amazing.” Adrian looks to the side of the stage.


Who the fuck is she?

I crane my neck to see who the fuck he’s talking about when I see Noelle walk across the stage, violin in hand.

What the fuck?!

“This is Noelle Kennedy,” he introduces her as he drapes an arm over her shoulders, giving her a comforting hug. “She is going to be accompanying me on her violin for a special song.”

Adrian looks down to the front of the stage locking eyes with me as I look back, confused and in shock.

“Lake, this one’s for you, baby.”

Noelle raises the violin to her chin and pulls the bow across the strings, and I recognize the melody right away. Adrian joins in with his guitar, and the rest of the band follows suit as he starts to sing the lyrics of the songCrazy, byAerosmith.

Our song.

Watching the two people I love most on stage playing together is an experience I don’t think I will ever get over. Noelle is absolutely brilliant as she walks across the stage, joining Adrian in the middle who turns to her, strumming the guitar and smiling at her proudly. She’s never played before a huge crowd like this before, but you would never know it. As the song progresses she gets more at ease, walking to the front, connecting with the crowd who is losing their shit for my daughter.

Hopping on the balls of my feet, I can’t help but cheer as I watch them. Over the past year I’ve watched them become closer, music connecting them in a way that I can’t relate to. It makes me happy that Noelle loves him, because who wouldn’t?

He’s Adrian Corvin.

When the song ends, I want to crawl over the security line and climb up on stage, but Adrian’s voice stops me.

“Let’s have a big hand for Noelle Kennedy!” Adrian says into the mic, and the crowd erupts.

“I invited her because not only is she an amazing musician and composer, but she’s a very important part of my life. I wanted her to be here when I ask her mother to marry me.”

My heart literally stops and all the breath whooshes out of my lungs. It feels like time stops, and all the noise disappears except for his voice. I watch as he walks to the front of the stage, gets down on one knee, and stretches his hand towards me.

“Lake Kennedy, will you marry me?” he asks, producing a ring from his pocket.

Looking at Noelle, who stands to the side with tears in her eyes, she nods at me, gripping her violin tight to her chest. I look back at Adrian, and our life over the past two years flashes before my eyes. From the night we met at theTap Room, all of our secret kisses, hushed promises, fights, and adventures. My heart skips a beat as I nod enthusiastically, and the air fills my chest again. Taking his hand, he pulls me up on stage.

“Yes,” I say. “Yes!” I scream, while he slips the ring on my finger that I barely register. Wrapping my arms around his neck and sinking my fingers into his hair, the bandana slipping to the ground while I kiss him in front of a thousand cheering people.

Momentarily pulling away, I lock eyes with Noelle who’s standing nearby. I never dreamed of having someone in our lives. In fact, I was dead set against it. That was before I knew how wonderful it could be. That was before I saw how well Adrian and my daughter got along. That was before I realized that she needed someone like him in her life. That’s when the tears spill over onto my cheeks, and I curse myself for being so emotional in front of all these people.

Noelle walks into my waiting embrace, mouthing the words,I love you.

“I can’t believe you kept this a secret from me!” I yell over the noise of the crowd, imagining the two of them conspiring together to make this moment happen.

Noelle shrugs, looking over at Adrian with a secret smile.

“And you!” I train my gaze on him while jabbing a finger at his chest. His expression causes my heart to slow, the adrenaline to dissipate, and I forget why I’m mad. “Fucking asshole,” I grumble before kissing him again.

Wondering who took over Lake’s job at Zentech and what happened to Wyatt Bloom as she navigates the tricky world of corporate politics?
