Page 33 of Beautiful Lies

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“Well, since you asked…” He eagerly takes the seat across from me, crossing his ankle over his opposite thigh. “Edmund took me to the Monet immersion. Have you been?” He doesn’t wait for me to answer before continuing. “You have to go, it’s an experience. Anyway,” Miles continues, shaking his head and switching gears, “I sent you an email with a link to the Waterman financials they sent over.”

“Did they provide an org chart too?” I ask, and look up to see Miles’s worried expression. Acquisitions always lead to redundancy, and Miles is well aware of this.

“It’s in the folder,” he says, smoothing down his pants.

“Let’s put Wyatt on the financials.”

A confused expression crosses Miles’s face. “Are you sure?”

“She needs something to do, doesn’t she?” I ask, looking up from my laptop, pointedly.

“Yes, but,” he hesitates, “it’s just so high profile,” Miles states.

“I want to see what she finds,” I explain.

“You really don’t like Waterman, do you?”

Asa Waterman is a man with an ego and something to prove. I’ve been around long enough to understand what makes people tick, and I trust my instincts.

“What I think about Waterman is irrelevant. This is what Glen wants, but I’m still doing my job,” I explain.

Miles settles further into his seat, pulling the tablet in front of him, ready to go down the list of meetings and items on our to-do list when Wyatt taps on my open office door.

“Good morning,” she says, brightly. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything, but I brought donuts,” she says as she enters, holding the box.

“Bosa?” I peer over at the box and then narrow my eyes at Miles. He looks back at me guiltily, letting Wyatt in on the secret to get on my good side.

Wyatt looks at Miles conspiratorially before opening the box and offering one to me. Pulling out a chocolate sprinkled donut, Wyatt hands me a napkin and I place it on my desk.

“You should put that out for the staff, they’ll love you for it,” I say, and Wyatt beams.

She starts to make her exit, but I stop her. “Stay. Miles can put that out for you.”

Miles rises from his seat, letting Wyatt take it. She hands him the donuts and he leaves us alone in my office.

Wyatt’s blonde hair is pulled back in a low bun and she’s wearing navy blue trimmed ankle length pants, paired with navy blue heels. Instead of a suit jacket, she has a lovely cream-colored button up blouse.

“How are you settling in?” I ask, crossing my legs and smoothing out my pin striped skirt.

“Everyone has been so welcoming,” Wyatt says. “The guys in IT have been super helpful getting my laptop set up and passwords.” She blushes, and I know exactly why.

“Ah,” I say, tapping my pen against the desk. “Stay away from Mark in IT,” I warn.

“Oh, Mark and I, we aren't… I mean, I wasn’t…” she pinches her brows together.

“Yes, you were,” I say. “I get it, he’s pretty.” I set the pen down and lean forward. “Many young interns have walked out of here crying over Mark.”

“Well, that hardly seems fair. Shouldn’t he be reprimanded?” Wyatt speaks up.

“Consider yourself warned.” I don’t answer her question directly. Everything Mark does is not on company time, but it’s an example of why it’s not a good idea to start an office affair. It evidently bleeds into work and no good will come of that when things go wrong, which they usually do.

“While we’re at it, stay away from Marcia’s potluck dip,” I warn, making a face.

Wyatt lifts her eyebrows.

I shake my head. “It’s just like Mark – looks good on the outside but once you have a taste, it doesn’t go down so well.”

Wyatt covers her mouth, suppressing a smile. “Good to know,” she says.
