Page 41 of Beautiful Lies

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“My sister.” I laugh into the palm of my hand as I lay on my stomach sprawled across the bed.

“What?” Georgie’s eyes go wide. “She’s gonna killmeand thenyou,” she says in a panic.

Empty chip bags lay crumpled all over the bed, and I toss one out of the way so I can stuff my face into the mattress to muffle the laughter.

“I don’t want to be around when she gets the bill,” Georgie says, collapsing onto the bed next to me.

“I wasn’t going to let her pay for it anyway.” I sit up, crossing my legs and grabbing one of the pillows to hold in my lap.

Georgie crosses her legs and sits opposite me.

“So are we not gonna talk about the elephant in the room?” she asks slyly.

“What elephant?” I ask, knowing full well what elephant she’s talking about.

“Come on, you can hold your liquor, I’ve seen worse,” she teases. “You know damn well what elephant,” she says, eyeing me.

The mention of him sobers me right up.

“You make me sound like a lush,” I say, offended.

Georgie tosses a half-eaten bag of ten-dollar cookies at me which I catch and toss to the side.

“It sounded like he was pretty into you,” Georgie says.

I pick at the fringe on the decorative pillow in my lap. “As of tomorrow, he’ll be my sister-in-law’s ‘little’ brother, Georgie.” The thought gives me an uneasy feeling because I shouldn’t be thinking about him the way I have.

“Technically your co-brother-in-law,” Georgie confirms.

“Don’t ever say that again, it sounds gross.” I smack her.

“Sorry,” she shrugs, shuffling through the carnage on the bed. “I wish I hadn’t thrown those cookies at you because now I’m hungry.”

“It was a one-time thing. I got it out of my system. That’s all there is to say.” I lean over and toss the bag of cookies to her.

There’s a knock at the door and both Georgie and I look at each other – me, clutching the pillow in front of me, and Georgie mid bite of a cookie.

Slowly, I get off the bed, aware that I’m not wearing a bra and my shorts aren’t doing a very good job of covering my ass. Georgie slides off the bed after me and we tiptoe to the door. Peering through the security hole, I rear back, hitting Georgie in the nose. She gives a high pitch squeal.

Ouch!” she whines while she holds her nose.

“Well, if you weren’t so fucking short!” I whisper shout.

“Hey,” Georgie says, offended. “Is it him?” Georgie asks excitedly.

“Worse,” I say opening the door, and Georgie’s face falls.

Beth steps into the room wearing a veil and her pajamas.

“It looks like a frat party in here,” she says, looking around. “Is that from the minibar?” She points to the bed and I race over to start picking up the evidence, eyeing Georgie to help.

“I was going to pay for all of this,” Georgie explains, quickly tossing the empty bottles and chip bags in the trash.

“I thought you started the party without me,” Beth says, and both Georgie and I look at each other, confused.

Pressing my lips together, I try to think of something to say. Turning to Georgie, I mouth, “Was I supposed to throw a bachelorette party?” I ask, but Georgie’s no help because she just stares at me like a deer in headlights.

“Fuck,” I whisper while turning back to Beth.
