Page 43 of Beautiful Lies

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I look in Georgie’s direction.

“Why are you looking at me?” Georgie asks angrily, her blonde hair having fallen out of its ponytail.

“Puerta Vallarta?” I say, triggering her memory.

“I’d never smoked a cigar before,” she shouts. “Besides, it’s not like the hotel burned down.”

“Only the hotel rug,” I say.

“Should I be worried?” Beth looks at both of us and I say “Yes,” at the same time Georgie says “No”.

Beth shakes her head, the veil falling over her eyes.

“I think it’s the room phone,” Georgie points to the nightstand.

“They still have those?” I ask.

“Of course they still have those. This isn’t the year twenty-four hundred where everyone communicates telepathically,” Beth says sarcastically.

I raise my eyebrows and shake my head at her while leaning over to grab the phone.


“Ms. Kennedy, this is the front desk,” the woman says. “We have your father here. It seems he got a little lost and wouldn’t let any of us help him back to his room.”

“I’ll be right there,” I say, hanging up the phone.

“What is it?” Georgie asks.

“I gotta put a bra on for this.” I get up from the bed and rifle through my bag. “We have to go pick dad up at the front desk,” I tell her.

“What is he doing at the front desk?” Beth asks, pulling the veil from her head.

I stare at her. “How am I supposed to know?” I pull a bra from my suitcase. “Turn around,” I motion.

“Oh please, you didn’t have boobs in high school, and you still don’t,” Beth says.

“Because God gave them all to you,” I say sarcastically.

Georgie starts giggling. I slip on my bra under my shirt and grab both Beth and Georgie by the arm. “Let’s go get Dad.”

“Why do I have to go? He’s not my dad,” Georgie whines.

“You wanna miss this?” I ask her.

“Good point.” She lets the door close behind us and we walk across the courtyard towards the front lobby to pick up my father like he’s a lost toddler at the mall.

* * *

Criminal by Fiona Apple

Slidingmy sunglasses further up my nose to block out the blaring sun, I walk across the courtyard to the dining room intent on getting myself some coffee before having to deal with the craziness of Beth’s wedding. The cloud cover does little to give reprieve from the heat, and even though there is a chance of rain, it will only make it worse.

Entering the dining hall, I notice Adrian and Laura near the door in a heated exchange. I’m not usually one for gossip, but I can’t help but linger a little longer wanting to overhear their conversation.

“Why did you invite her?” Adrian asks. His back is to me so I can’t see his face, but his voice is a little more than annoyed.

“She was my friend first before the two of you ever started dating and I wanted her here.” Laura states.
