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He starts the car and pulls away from the curb.

We’re quiet again. Ugh, things are so awkward because of the match, right? It has to be. He clearly doesn’t want to bring it up and neither do I. So I guess we’re pretending it didn’t happen? Normally, I’m okay with the silence, but this is way too stifling. I occupy myself by staring out the window.

“My dad and I made up last night,” he says.

My head turns so fast I worry for a second that it might snap. “What?”

A large smile teases his lips. “Yeah, I told him how I felt. I was open and honest with him. I guess I got through because he came up to my room and we had a long talk. He didn’t realize that he was so consumed by his own pain that he didn’t think about how I was feeling. He wants to make things right and be the parent that I need. It might take some time, but it means the world to me that he’s willing to try to fix us.”

“Oh my gosh, Colt.” I don’t want to distract him while he’s driving, but the guy needs a massive hug. So I hug his shoulder and press my cheek to his. “I’msohappy for you.”

He lowers his head on mine for a second before focusing on his driving. “Thanks. I know you care, that’s why I couldn’t wait to tell you the news.”

He tells me in more detail about what he and his dad shared last night, and the awkwardness from a few minutes ago completely dissipates. It’s not long before he pulls into the school parking lot, where I catch the popular kids gathered by one of their cars. The same disappointment and loss I felt yesterday overwhelm me. Why do I keep forgetting that he belongs in that world?

Assuming he’s going to join them, I head toward the school doors, but Colt wraps his fingers around my wrist. “Where are you going?”

“To school. You know, where we spend a third of our day?”

“No, I mean…is it okay if I walk with you? I don’t want a repeat of yesterday.”

He’s right. I was nearly run over by a mob yesterday because of my app. Even though I kind of killed it, some of the kids here are still dealing with broken relationships. What if they harass me again?

I laugh sheepishly. “I kind of forgot about it…”

He frowns. “I didn’t.”

I place my hand on his arm. “I’m okay, Colt. Really. I don’t care what the kids think or say about me. As long as they don’t touch me, I’ll be fine.”

“I know you can take care of yourself, but it would make me feel better if I walked with you. I just want you to be safe.”

His words cause butterflies to flap around in my stomach. “Thanks. I’m okay with you walking me inside.”

With a smile, he keeps at my side. Some of the kids standing outside give me dirty looks, a few whisper to their friends, several even snap photos of the two of us. But none of them say anything to me.

I spot my friends gathered by Lily’s locker. They wave me over.

“Thanks for the escort,” I tell Colt. “I think I’ll be okay.”

He scans around, taking in the many students gathered in the hallway. Even though they still send dirty looks my way and whisper, none of them seem like they’ll approach me or anything.

Colt nods. “Okay. But text me if you don’t feel safe. I’ll keep my phone close to me at all times.”

His sweet words cause more butterflies to enter my stomach. I’ve always felt protected by my family and my friends, but never by a guy who I…like? It feels really good.

Although, it would feel a lot better if he felt the same way about me.

“Thanks again,” I tell him. “I’m going to hang out with my friends now.”

He nods and steps back. “Of course. Remember, text if you need me.”

I wave and head to my friends. Each of them pulls me into her arms and squeezes the juices out of me. They’re talking over each other, wanting to know if I’m okay. I assured them a million times yesterday that I’m fine, but I guess they don’t believe me.

“Really, I’m okay,” I tell them with a laugh.

“I wish we could have gotten to you, but we couldn’t push through the crowd,” Ava says.

“Good thing Colton was there, huh?” Lily says.
