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Like I’ve suddenly gotten super speed, I rush down the stairs and fling the door open, a smile on my face. It drops when I take in the person standing there. “Vanessa.”

She looks like she usually does, strawberry blonde hair spilling down her shoulders, wearing a light jacket to keep her warm on this slightly cold day in early March.

Looking at her, I feel absolutely nothing. I wonder what I ever saw in her, how I thought this girl was the right one for me.

But I get it now. She was perfect for King Colton. She’s not perfect at all for Real Colton.

She’s wearing a bright, flirty smile on her face. I remember how good it made me feel to have a girl like her smile at me that way. Now? All I see is the bright grin on Willow’s face, the shine in her eyes, the way she makes me feel warm inside. At peace. Comfortable.

“What are you doing here?” I ask Vanessa.

She pushes past me into the house. “Aren’t you glad to see me, Colt?”

I cross my arms over my chest, narrowing my eyes at her. “What do you want?”

She giggles, reaching to grab my arm, but I pull away from her. She pouts. “Aw.” She glances around the house. “I miss coming here. It’s been forever since you had a party here.”

“Is there something you want?”

Giggling again, she unzips her jacket and tosses it on the living room couch. “I came to see you. I’ve missed you.”

My jaw clenches. “I have a girlfriend.”

She rolls her eyes. “Please. That nerd? Really, Colt?”

My arms tighten on my chest. “Yes. Willow is my girlfriend.”

She scoffs, smoothing a wrinkle on her shirt. “Everyone knows you’re going through…something. I’ve been patiently waiting for you to get over her. No, that’s a lie. I could have had you whenever I wanted. But you know how people talk and it would have been pathetic for me to get back together with you right after I broke up with you. So I took my time watching you andher. And now you’re defending her online? Sheliedto everyone, Colt. You want to be with a liar?”

I grit my teeth. “She’s not a liar.”

She laughs again. “Of course she is. Her app’s misleading. It didn’t match us.”

“Because we’re not a match. I don’t want to get back together with you.”

“Yes, you do. You’re the king of Edenbury High and I’m the queen.” She steps closer to me and runs her hand down my arm. “We belong together.”

I yank her hand off. “I was a fool to think you were the right one for me. You’renot. You’re the complete opposite of the girl I’m looking for.”

She rolls her eyes. “Who’s talking about the right one? We’re in high school. Kids like us are at the top of the social hierarchy.”

“You never had feelings for me,” I say. “But that doesn’t matter because I don’t feel anything for you. I’ve moved on to a very special girl.”

She snickers. “Right. The geek with the ugly glasses.”

I inch closer to her. “Don’t you dare say anything negative about her,” I warn. “Willow is beautiful. Talk crap about me all you want, butnotabout her. She didn’t do anything to you.”

She throws her hands up. “Did you not hear what I just said? She tore couples apart. All because she’s jealous.”

“She didn’t tear anyone apart. And what exactly is she jealous of?”

She laughs again. “She knows she can’t sink her claws into you forever. She knows you’ll wake up one day and realize what an idiot you’ve been and you’ll throw her away like last night’s trash.”

I shake my head. “You’re wrong. I’d never do that.”

She purses her lips as she stares into my face. Then she bursts out laughing. “Oh my gosh. You love her.”

“That’s none of your business.”
