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“Congratulations!” Chloe wishes as she hugs us. “I’m so happy for you.”

“You guys are perfect for each other,” Ava says. “Ugh, I might die from happiness.”

“Right?!” Lily exclaims.

“We can’t wait to get to know you better, man,” Xavier says with a smile.

“Welcome to the best place on Earth,” Aidan adds.

“With the best people on Earth,” Liam says.

Colt’s face softens with love and acceptance. “Thanks so much, everyone. I finally feel like I’m home.”

Chapter Thirty-Six


After Willow’s done with book club, I invite her to my house to show her my game. She’ll be here in ten minutes.

I haven’t stopped reliving the moment her lips touched mine. It’s been on my mind all day, not only because it felt good—it was amazing—but because I felt like I was complete. Like I was my true self. I didn’t have to hide anymore. Sure kids at school don’t know the truth about me, but Willow and I showed them we’re serious about each other. That the king of Edenbury High wasn’t going through a phase. He loves his girlfriend and wants to spend the rest of his life with her.

Yes, I’m sixteen and I know I’ve found my soulmate. Not because the app told me, but because I feel it in my heart. And I know Willow feels the same. When we were so close to each other, I felt everything from her. How happy she is now that we’re a real couple. How wrong she was to assume she wouldn’t fall in love in high school.

For the first time in eight months, I’m truly happy.

Smiling, I pull the picture of Bri off my dresser. “Hey, sis,” I whisper. “Got some stuff to catch you up on, but you can probably see everything from where you are, right?”

I don’t know what happens to people after they leave this world, but I’ve got to believe that they’re still with us, watching over us, protecting us.

I smile again. “What do you think of my girlfriend? Yeah, she’s the most wonderful person in the world. You love her already, don’t you?” I laugh. “She makes me really happy, Bri. The happiest I’ve been in a long time. You don’t have to worry about me anymore. I’m doing all right. I miss you like crazy, but I’m hanging on. Dad and I are in a good place, too.”

The same breeze as before swirls around me. I once again know that it’s Bri’s way of letting me know she’s always with me.

The doorbell rings. I set Bri’s picture on the dresser, then run downstairs to let Willow in.

As soon as I get the door open, she flings herself into my arms. “I missed you!” Then she lets go and stumbles back, eyes wide. “Wow. Where did that come from? I sound like Lily.”

I laugh as I gather her in my arms. “I like it. Hey, beautiful.”

“Hey.” She reaches up to give me a quick but sweet kiss on the lips.

“How was book club?”

She taps her chin. “The love interest was smokin’ hot. We couldn’t stop gushing about him.”

“Do I have some competition?”

“Never. You’re the only man in my life.”

We make out outside my house, not caring that neighbors and passersby might see. This girl is my world and I want everyone to know that.

We take a break to catch our breaths, and I lead Willow into the house and up to my room. “Is your dad home?” she asks as she plops down on my bed.

I lower myself next to her. “Not yet. Still at work. He told me he’s making an effort to be home earlier so we can spend time together.”

“That’s great. So…what did you want to show me?”

I tilt my head toward my computer. “Bri’s game. I’ve got most of the coding done, but I need to fix a few things. Figured you might want to help. Maybe check out the story and gameplay.”
