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Chloe, Liam, Lily, Xavier, Ava, and Aidan surround us, each of them telling my boyfriend and me how incredible they think our apps are. Colt is one of us now, fitting in perfectly like he’s been part of the group for years. I know all eight of us will always be there for each other, no matter where we end up in life.

My friends and their boyfriends wander away to give Colt and me some alone time. I want to kiss him, but it sucks that we’re in public. But once we’re alone, you can bet his face will be smothered with smooches.

Evie walks over to us. “Hey, Colton. Congrats on the win. And you did amazing, too, Willow.”

“Thanks,” we say.

“So I have lots of ideas for the graphics for your game, Colton. Maybe we can discuss it tonight?”

“Sure, that’d be great. I really appreciate you helping me out.”

She waves her hand. “It’s not every day I get to do the artwork for a fun and interesting game. It’s going to be awesome.”

“What’s going to be awesome?” Noah asks as he comes to stand next to us.

“Colton’s game,” Evie says. “I’m doing the artwork. What are you doing here, anyway? Didn’t you say you were going to buy supplies for our project? You said you hate competitions.”

Noah frowns. “I didn’t say I hate competitions, Evie. I just said I wasn’t sure I could make it because I had homework. But I made it.” He holds out a fist to Colt. “Congrats, man.”


“And congrats on second place, Willow.”

“Thank you.”

Evie gives Noah an incredulous look. “So it’s Friday night and you’re worried about homework? Geez.”

“What do you care what I do on the weekends?” he asks. “Last I checked, I don’t need to run my schedule by you.”

She pushes some dark hair out of her eyes. “Good thing. Spending more time with you than I’m obligated would be a nightmare. I can’t wait for this project to be over.”

I lift my brow at them. “You guys have been paired up for another project?”

Evie rolls her eyes. “Unfortunately, yes. I swear teachers think we’re compatible or something.”

I grin. “Maybe my app could tell you if you guys would fit as friends.”

Evie snickers. “I don’t need an app to tell me that Noah and I are so different we could never be friends.”

He gives her a look. “Unfortunately, we have to be in each other’s lives because of our parents.” He nods at us. “See ya around. And congrats again.” He shoves his hands into his pockets and walks away.

Evie’s still frowning as she watches him go. “I don’t know why he bugs me so much. Anyway, it’s only a few months until graduation and then I won’t have to see him again.” She waves at us and leaves.

My friends and the guys return to us and we talk about everything. Then Colt and I find an empty room in the building to hug, make out, and just be together without prying eyes.

I smile at him. “How does it feel to win?”

He sweeps his lips across mine. “I didn’t just win the competition. I won so much more. My parents, my true self, but the most important thing that I won is your heart and your love, Willow. I’ll cherish you all my days.”

I reach up to kiss him. “And I’ll love you forever and ever.”

Thanks for reading!

Stay tuned for Evie and Noah’s story, coming soon. Read on for a sneak peek!

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Did you know that Willow’s parents, Charlie and Asher, have an epic love story of their own? Check outMovie Stars Don’t Fall for Nerdy Girls, availablehere.
