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He places his hand on my arm. “You gonna be all right?”

“I guess we’ll see.”

He cheers and throws his arm around me, pulling me into the living room, where most of the kids are hanging out.

My eyes scan around before I can stop them and I spot my ex-girlfriend chatting up a senior football player. It hurts my heart, but I tear my gaze away and glance around. Everyone’s having a good time. That’s what matters. I hope I go down in the Edenbury High School history books as the guy who threw the best parties.

My middle school self who never got invited to parties is very proud of me right now.

As my eyes continue scanning around, I catch Willow and her group of friends dancing together to the beat of the fast-paced song. Hmm. As far as I know, they don’t usually come to my parties. Wonder why they’re here tonight.

Her friends are all paired up while she’s the only one without a guy. Doesn’t seem to bother her one bit, though. Nothing seems to bother that girl. She’s completely content dancing by herself.

Why am I suddenly looking at her?

“Hey, Colton!” a squeaky voice says from behind me.

Turning around, I find Paisley Abberton standing there with a massive smile on her face. She’s a cheerleader and the daughter of the cheerleading coach.

I smile pleasantly. “Hey.”

Her grin widens, not that I thought it was possible. “Hi!” Her fingers grab a few strands of her blond hair as she giggles.

“Hi,” I say with another pleasant smile.

She giggles again. Paisley’s well…she’s just not someone I could ever see myself dating. She’s not the kindest girl and doesn’t seem to care about anyone but herself. And the joke around school is that she chases any hot guy she sees.

Now that I’m single, I’m not surprised she’s flirting with me.

“Great party!” she gushes. “Like, you really know how to throw them.”

I shrug. “It’s the same every Friday.”

She giggles again.

I give her another pleasant smile before looking away and trying to find someone or something to take me away from her. I don’t want to give her the wrong idea.

“So Vanessa’s there,” she says, pointing to a few feet away, where my ex is still chatting with that senior.


She stares at me with wide eyes. “You don’t care that she’s flirting with that guy right in front of you?”

I rub the back of my neck as my eyes shoot in her direction. She presses her hand to his chest, marveling at his muscles. I glance down at myself. I work out a fair share amount and I like to think of myself in pretty good shape…

Am I seriously comparing myself to that guy?

“I’m getting a drink,” I tell Paisley. “Want anything?”

Maybe I shouldn’t have said that because her eyes sparkle like I told her I want to kiss her. “Sure! Coke, please!”

I nod with another pleasant smile and walk to the kitchen. Owen and the others packed the fridge with so many drinks it’s about to explode.

After grabbing two Cokes, I return to find Paisley exactly where I left her. She beams as I hand her one of the cans, but she doesn’t down the liquid.

“Aren’t you thirsty?” I ask as I open mine and gulp down half the liquid, feeling it go down my throat.

“Um, yeah, but I’m scared it’ll explode all over me. It’s my mom’s dress and she doesn’t know I borrowed it.” She giggles again. “She’d kill me if she knew.”
