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I peer at the dress. Yeah…definitely looks like it was made for an older woman and not someone Paisley’s age. “It’s nice.”

She beams again. “Yeah? I know! I begged my mom to buy one for me, but she refused. Don’t moms suck?”

I swallow the lump in my throat. “Yeah, they suck.” The difference is that hers didn’t walk out on her when things got tough.

I offer to open the can for her and she happily hands it to me. Once I give it back to her and she takes a tiny sip, she leans in close and says, “Vanessa’s so stupid. Who would have you and then throw you away like that?”


She giggles again. “Like…she had thekingof Edenbury High and she just broke up with him. So, so stupid.”

Lately, the term ‘king’ has been bugging me. I don’t know when it started, honestly. Maybe freshmen year? My friends started calling me that, then the rest of the school joined in, and the next second, I became one of the most popular guys at school.

Sometimes, I just want to be normal. But then I think back to the hell I went through in middle school and I know this is where I’m supposed to be.

But…do I want to be there? Yes.Yes.

Paisley blinks at me. “You’re acting weird. Like you’re not sure about something? Forget Vanessa and dance with me.”

“No, thanks.”

She pouts, her eyes getting wide. “You don’t want to dance with me?” She says it so loud, I’m sure they can hear it on the moon.

Many kids stop what they’re doing and turn to us. Willow and her group of friends do as well, and I swear I can hear Willow muttering how much of an attention seeker Paisley is. Vanessa and her guy are too absorbed in each other to pay attention.

I smile pleasantly at everyone, then turn to Paisley. “Why are you making a scene?”

She moves closer to me, resting her head on my shoulder. “I’m not. Just giving you the opportunity to dance with the most sought-after girl at school.”

Sought after? If she knew my friends make fun of her every chance they get…

Of course if she knew I told them to quit being jerks, I’m sure she’d want me even more than she does.

I sigh, pulling away from her. “Paisley, I just broke up with my girlfriend—”

“You mean she broke up with you,” she corrects with a smile, like she’s so proud she got the facts right

I scowl. “Point is, I’m not ready to move on.”

She throws her hands up with a groan. “Oh my gosh, what did you even see in her? She’s not even pretty.”

Maybe I’m looking for something more in a girl. Something deeper. Vanessa had that…in her own way, I guess. She’s not a good student and doesn’t care about others the way I do, but she was kind and sweet. Again…in her own way.

And yes, I admit that I went out with her because she was the most popular girl and I wanted to up my position in the Edenbury high social circle. But as I got to know her, I really liked her. Maybe loved her? The important thing is I was happy with her.

Paisley scans my face. “Ugh, you’re still in love with her. Dancing with me will take your mind off her.”

I shake my head. “I’m not still in love with her and I don’t want to dance.”

Her lower lip trembles and she looks like she’s about to cry. “Why don’t you want to dance with me?!”

Again, heads turn in our direction. It’s like their eyes are drilling holes in my head. I spot Vince talking to some of the guys on the basketball team and beg him with my eyes to save me.

He’s by my side in an instant. “Dude, some kid puked all over the bathroom upstairs. It’s a mess, man.”

Paisley wrinkles her nose. “That’s nasty. Ew.” She shudders.

I give my bud a thankful nod. “Be right back,” I say to Paisley before making my way upstairs. It’s like I’ve been zapped with super speed as I flee from her.
