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I just want to go to my room and be alone for a little while.

When kids are over, I lock all the bedrooms upstairs because I don’t want them touching anything. I especially don’t want them getting into my stuff and discovering my secrets.

After unlocking my door, I push it open and am about to enter and plop down on my bed. But something whacks my head and I tumble to the floor with a loud thud.

Chapter Eight


An hour earlier

“Come on, Willow,” Ava begs on video chat. “It’ll be fun.”

She and the rest of the Junior Musketeers are trying to convince me to go to a party Colton’s throwing tonight. The dude always throws parties, and apparently, they’re the highlight of every Edenbury High School student’s weekend.

“We never go to parties,” I say as I work on my app.

“Exactly!” Lily says. “That’s why we should go tonight. To experience something every high school kid experiences.”

“Pass. You guys have fun without me.”

“How long do you plan on working on your app?” Chloe asks.

“All night if I have to. The competition is next month and there’s this huge problem I need to fix—”

“Willow, you need a break,” Liam says. “Overworking your brain can’t be good for you.”

“I can handle it,” I assure him.

Ava sighs overdramatically. “Aw, shucks. How will we have a fun night with one Musketeer down? Can you imagine it, guys? Us having fun while our poor Willow is slaving away at home?”

Lily sighs, too. “How will I enjoy the night with my awesome Romeo?”

“And me with my amazing Chef Liam,” Chloe says.

“Aw, shucks,” Ava says again. “Maybe we should just stay home.”

“Such a bummer,” Liam says. “I really wanted to dance with my beautiful Chloe.”

“Same,” Lily says. “Feels like forever since I danced with Xavier. Well, not counting your grandpa’s birthday party last week, Ava.”

“What dance at what party? Feels like a lifetime ago. And I was so looking forward to dancing with my guy…” Ava adds.

My fingers pause over my keyboard as I glance at my phone. “Are you guys trying to guilt me into going with you?”

“Is it working?” Ava asks with huge brown eyes.

“No.” I go back to my coding.

“Rats,” she grumbles.

“Time to change gears,” Lily says. “Willow?”


“Can you look at me and not at your computer?”

With a groan, I raise my eyes to my phone. “Yes?”
