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“What? No, I didn’t break in. The door was unlocked.”

“No it wasn’t.”

“Yes it was.”

“I always make sure to lock all the rooms before a party.”

I fold my arms over my chest. “Well it seems you forgot to lock your room tonight. I don’t appreciate being accused of something I didn’t do.”

He rubs the side of his head again. “Sorry. I guess I did forget.”

He looks at me. I look at him. Then he bends down and sweeps the gaming bat off the floor. “Good thing this wasn’t a real bat or I’d be in an ambulance right now. You have quite an arm.” He walks further into the room and puts it back in its place.

“When you think your life is in danger, your body can surprise you.”

His brows shoot up. “Why did you think your life was in danger?”

I shrug. “Just some boys being idiots. I thought one was coming after me.”

He nods slowly. “That explains the attack.”

I nod.

We stand there in silence.

“I guess I’ll go,” I say. “Sorry for invading your personal space.” I turn to the door.

“You don’t have to go.”

I turn around. “What?”

He lifts his shoulders. “I needed some peace and quiet, too. You can sit here.” He gestures to his desk chair before plopping down on his bed.

“Thanks.” I sit down.

We once again are bathed in silence.

“Cool room,” I say.

His face lights up with a smile. “Yeah? That’s a compliment coming from you.”

“This is probably the most kickbutt gaming PC I’ve ever seen in my life. The specs are out of this world.”

Colton beams at it like it’s his baby. “Built it myself.”


“Yep. It’s my pride and joy.”

“I can tell. I didn’t know you’re into tech. And you like coding.” I nod at the posters on his wall. “I knew you knew more than you let on in coding class.”

He doesn’t say anything. I’m about to ask him what’s the big deal about him loving tech and coding, but from his expression, it looks like he doesn’t want to talk about it.

“Won’t your guests realize you’re missing?” I ask.

“Eventually. I probably have half an hour before I need to make an appearance.”

“Do you even like throwing parties? Seems like you’re not having a good time.”
