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I shake my head. I’m being silly. There’s more to life than love and relationships.

I check my phone for the time. It’s still pretty early. I want to go home, but I know my friends want to spend as much of the night as they can with their boyfriends. I don’t want to ask my parents to pick me up because they seemed pretty preoccupied when I left for the party. Should I ask Ava if Peter can take me home? But I don’t want my friends to know that I’m not having a good time. They really wanted me to come here and hang out with them.

I play a game on my phone. It keeps me busy for a while, but then some of the partygoers start to get a little rowdy. A few kids knock into me, some yell so loud they nearly cause me permanent ear damage. One guy snatches my phone and tosses it to another guy.

“Hey, give that back!”

His friend chucks it back to him with a chortle, but when one is determined, she can accomplish the greatest feat. I launch myself off the floor and into the air, intercepting my precious phone before it lands in the first guy’s hands.

“Holy,” the second guy says with a whistle as he gapes at me.

I march over and shove my finger into the first guy’s chest. “Steal my phone one more time and I’ll hack your computer and phone and give you such a bad virus that you’ll pee your pants every thirty seconds.”

He gawks at me. Then he pushes me away. “Psycho.”

He and his friends go to mess with someone else.

“Jerks,” I mutter as I rub my phone screen clean. My head lifts toward the stairs. Maybe I can find some peace and quiet in one of the bedrooms?

The upstairs hallway has a random kid or two hanging around, but it’s mostly empty. I try to enter the first room, but the door is locked. The next room is locked as well, and so is the next one. That explains why hardly anyone is up here.

I’m about to give up and settle on sitting on the floor with my game, but I manage to finally find an unlocked room. I quickly slip inside and lock the door. Finally some peace and quiet.

This room is pretty large. There’s a small lamp on the desk that’s on, which provides some light. I make my way to the desk chair to sit down, but stop short when I notice what’s actually in the room. Tech stuff. I mean, top-of-the-line expensive stuff I salivate over every time I’m in the store.

I flick on the light and stare at everything in here. “This is the most amazing room I’ve ever seen in my life. And oh my gosh…” I head to the desktop computer sitting on the desk. “This has got to be the most kickbutt gaming PC I’ve ever seen in my life.” The thing must have cost whoever’s room this is a fortune. Is it Colton’s room?

A laptop sits beside it, along with other tech stuff. The walls of the room are covered with coding posters. My gosh, have I fallen into heaven?

Every part of me wants totoucheverything, but I ball my hands into fists. Coming in here is an invasion of privacy. I don’t need to make it worse by touching someone else’s things.

I settle down on the desk chair and use my phone to check what’s new in the tech world. When I read these kinds of articles, I can get lost for hours.

My head snaps up from my phone when I hear someone fumbling with the doorknob. Oh my gosh, is that one of the guys who messed with me before? Maybe he saw me come up here alone and wants to get back at me?

The doorknob slowly turns. How the heck is he getting in when I locked it? I frantically search around for something to use as a weapon, but there’s nothing here. Maybe I can lift the PC tower and smash it over his head?

My eyes catch sight of a bat. Perfect! I rush over to grab it, but I realize it’s not a normal bat. It’s used for a console game and is made from plastic. Well, it’ll have to do. I dash over to the door just as it opens and whack the guy in the head.


Colton Andersen tumbles to the floor before my feet.

Chapter Nine


I stare at Colton, my brain not grasping why he’s on the floor and not one of the guys who messed with me earlier.

With a groan, Colton rolls over and blinks up at me. “Willow?” he asks in total confusion.

The bat drops from my hands with a clatter. “Sorry! What are you doing here?”

With another groan, he heaves himself off the floor and rubs the side of his head. “This is my room. What are you doing here?”

“Um...I needed some peace and quiet.”

His eyebrows dip as he glances at the door. “You broke into my room?”
