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I tap my shoe on the floor. “What about it?”

“Do I really need to spell it out for you?” she says so loudly that every single person who is still at school can overhear. She’s totally milking all the attention and is trying to get under my skin, but I’m just super annoyed and impatient. “Okay, I guess I do need to spell it out for you. You’re a loser. You hang out with losers and do loser things. Of course you’ve never been on a date or kissed anyone. You think anyone would want to use your app when you have no experience in that department?”

I tighten my arms over my chest. “My experience is irrelevant. All that matters is that I made an app that can match people based on their compatibility—”

She laughs so loudly it sounds like a cackle. Her minions echo her. “If you really think that, then youarea moron. I have no intention of taking any dating help from you, and neither do my friends. And the rest of the school feels the same way.”


“Really? How many downloads do you have? Twenty?” She snickers with her friends. “Twenty losers who are taking advice from a person who has never even been on a date!” She and her friends chortle.

I try not to swallow the lump in my throat. I don’t even have fifteen.

Shaking that away, I hold my head high. “Just wait and see. My app will beextremelysuccessful and I’ll win the coding competition. And every single one of my matches will be a success.”

She snorts. “Like I said, only in your dreams, tree.”


“Uh, willow is a tree? Don’t you even know what you’re named after? This has been so much fun, MacTree, but my mom is waiting for me. We’re going to the spa and will have so much fun bonding.”

“Yeah, I’m sure you will,” I mutter when I see the pang in her eyes. But she spins around and marches away with her friends. “Sure,” I grumble. “As if kids care how much experience I have. They just want to be matched with someone who’s perfect for them.” When I come home, I’ll get to the bottom of why no one is downloading the app.

But when I do indeed go home, I can’t find anything wrong with it. I’ve checked and rechecked everything a thousand times. Could it be…? Nah, Paisley was just trying to get to me. I won’t let her take me down. Maybe I just need time for word-of-mouth to get out there. Once someone gets paired with their perfect match and shares the results with their friends, I’m sure downloads will pick up.


“Whatchya doin’?” Mia skips into my room and hops onto my bed. “I finished all my homework and chores. You promised we’d make my character.”

“Yeah. I’m ready. Just…Mia?”


“Would you take dating advice from someone who’s never been on a date or had a romantic relationship?”

She blinks at me. “Huh? Why are you asking me that kind of stuff? I’m only ten.”

“Oh…right. But if you were older, do you think you’d use my app?”

“Of course! My sis is a genius.”

I frown. “Okay, but what if I wasn’t your sister? Would you still use my app?”

“An app that’ll help me find my perfect man? Heck yes.”

“Yeah…” I shake my head, tossing Paisley’s words away, and paste on a smile. “Let’s create your character.”

Chapter Fourteen


“You sure you can’t come hang?” Owen asks after school on Tuesday. The guys and their girlfriends are going to the mall.

Owen and I stand in the hallway as the kids move around us to get to wherever they need to go. Vince, Mario, Knox, and the others are already in their cars, and I can hear them beeping for us to get moving.

I shake my head at my best friend. “Nope. Told you I have coding class.”

He frowns. “I don’t get how you can stand sitting in that nerd class.” He jabs me in the ribs. “Good thing you got a nerd to do the work for you.” He winks.
