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I’m about to answer, but someone says from behind me, “You reallyarevery stupid.”

“What do you want, Paisley?” I ask.

She steps in front of me. “I already told you why no one is interested in your app. You’ve never had a boyfriend. You’ve never been kissed. Why should we waste our time on an app that someone with zero experience created?”

I glance from one kid to the other. They all nod in agreement. Are they serious? So Paisley was right? They don’t believe in the app because they don’t believe in me?

“You look really pathetic begging people like that. Give up before you embarrass yourself further.”

I glare at her, my chest rising and falling heavily. I don’t know what I want to do with her. Maybe slap that smug smile right off her face.

“Paisley, you—”

“Hey, Willow,” a voice says as an arm slings around my shoulder. I’m pulled to a hard chest. “These kids giving you crap?”

I jerk my head off the chest and stare into the green eyes of Colton Andersen.

He focuses his gaze on Paisley. “Why are you giving her a hard time?” he demands, though he says it in such a calm yet commanding way. I’ve never seen anything like that before.

Paisley blinks at him, her jaw dropping so low it nearly sweeps the floor. “W-what?” she sputters.

He grins at me. “Just downloaded your app. It’s amazing. Best app I’ve ever used in my life.”

I stare at him. He regards me with kind eyes, and there’s a message in there. Almost like he’s reassuring me that everything will be okay.

What the heck is going on?

“Yeah, so you guys should totally check out the app,” he tells them before leading me away from their table, his arm still wrapped around me. We walk out of the cafeteria and into the hallway. As soon as we’re free from prying eyes, he slowly retracts his arm.

“You okay?” he asks.

“What the heck was that?”

He pushes his hands into his pockets. “Figured you needed some help convincing people to download your app.”

“I was…fine.”

He raises a brow. “Didn’t look that way to me. We tech geeks have each other’s backs, right?”

I just stare at him again because I have no idea what to say.

He grins as he pushes some dirty blond hair out of his eyes. “I’ll see you later, Willow.” He waves and saunters down the hall in such a cool way that I can’t take my eyes off him.

Then I quickly tear them away and glance at my sneakers. What in the world just happened?

Chapter Sixteen


As soon as I meet my friends at my locker the next morning, they barrel over to me, each of them holding up their phones.

They’re way too close to my eyes. I push Lily’s phone a few inches back and scan whatever is on the screen. A photo of Colton’s arm wrapped around me as he led me out of the cafeteria yesterday.

“Oh, great. It’s on Spill it?” I groan as I step to my locker and do the combination.

“Willow. Look at what they’re saying.” Lily shoves her phone in my face again.

HayleyBananey: OMG! Are Colton and that geek dating?
