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He nods. “Good idea. I’ll see you in history.”

I wave as he walks away.

When I get to my locker to retrieve my history book, my friends and the guys are standing there with the most shocked and befuddled expressions on their faces.

“Willow!” Lily says. “I thought you said nothing’s going on between you and Colton. Now you’re walking down the hallway like the hottest new couple?”

I put my finger on my lips, then look to my right and left. Whoever is near is staring at me, some of them studying me like they’re trying to determine if I’m an alien using mind control on Colt.

I motion for my friends to move closer. They do. I motion for them to move even closer. They do. But it’s not enough. I motion for them to move even closer, until their heads are practically fused into one.

“Top secret info hitting your ears,” I whisper. “Colton and I are fake dating.”

“What?” Ava shouts.

I gesture with my hands for her to keep it down.

“Sorry.” With a lower tone, she says, “What do you mean you’re fake dating?”

“One second.” I reach for my phone and gasp. “Holy crap.”

“What?” they ask.

“A hundred and two people have downloaded my app.”

Aidan’s head perks up. “A hundred and two? I was right!”

“Wait, huh?” Chloe’s forehead crinkles. “Are you saying that…?”

“Yep. Snagging Colt for a boyfriend has made people more inclined to download my app.”

“Colt?” Lily slugs my shoulder with a teasing grin. “You’re that close to him already.”

I give her a look. “He told me to call him Colt. All his friends do.”

“So…you decided to fake date him because having the king himself as your boyfriend is making you more popular, hence, more downloads,” Chloe says.

“Maybe that’s part of it, too,” I muse. “But I think it’s more that they see I’m not as clueless when it comes to dating and relationships as they thought. Guys, this is so exciting! I thought I slaved away for months on my app for nothing, but now I’m going to have results to present to the judges at the competition. I might actually have a shot at winning.” I shake my head. “What am I saying? Iamgoing to win. And that’s not me being cocky. I have a good product and I deserve to win.”

“Of course you do!” Lily throws her arms around me.

“Just be careful,” Chloe warns. “Fake relationships could be tricky.”

“I know it was hard for your mom,” I say. “But she was secretly in love with your dad. Colt and I don’t feel that way about each other.”

“But are you prepared to constantly be in the spotlight?” Liam asks me. “The popular kids could be brutal.”

“Yeah, you can kiss your privacy goodbye,” Xavier says.

“It’s weird for them to stare at me like this, but I don’t care. They’re just background noise. All that matters is that I get the downloads and Colt gets his girl.”

“His girl?” Aidan asks.

I tell them what he hopes to gain from this arrangement. “And it’s already working. Vanessa wants my head on a spike.”

“Wow. This is so intense,” Chloe says.

Lily frowns. “Too bad you guys aren’t dating for real.”
