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I smile as I lean back in my chair. “Of course it’s okay that you called me. I was just thinking about you.”


“No. Not really.”

She laughs. Then her face changes. “Were you thinking about another girl?” she warns.

“Never. You’re the only girl on my mind.”

She runs her hand over her ponytail and looks away.

We’re both quiet.

“So, that’s kind of the reason I called,” she explains. “We didn’t really lay down the rules. Like, who do we tell the truth to, how often do we hang out, are we allowed to date other people. Things like that.”

I nod slowly as I think over her words. “Yeah, good points. Well, I don’t want to date anyone else as long as we’re together. Even if it’s fake, it doesn’t feel right to me.”

“Me, either. Okay, next. I told my friends the truth. I’m sorry, but I can’t hide something this big from them. But you don’t have to worry—they won’t tell anyone. And you can tell your closest friends, if you want.”

I shake my head. “I know it’s bad to say this, but I’d never trust those guys with any of my secrets.”

She blinks at me. “Really? You don’t confide in them?”

I shrug. “Not really. I’m not the type of guy to have a heart-to-heart with them, you know. I told Vanessa my secrets.”

Not all of them. Especially not my biggest one. Though there were times I really wanted to, but I was too scared. I guess I thought I would one day. Maybe if I had been more open with her, she wouldn’t have broken up with me.

“Colt? Are you still here? You’re not frozen, but you’re not talking.”

I snap out of my thoughts. “Yeah. I’m here. And thanks for calling me Colt.”

“You told me to.”

Yeah, but it feels nice to hear her say it. I don’t know why. My friends, family, and Vanessa call me that all the time. Bri would call me Colty as a joke because she knew I hated it. Though I secretly loved the special nickname she made for me.

It’s been eight months, but I still can’t believe she’s gone.

“I lost you again,” Willow says.

I look at her. “Was just thinking about…” I swallow. “Never mind.” I force a smile. “What other rules do we need to go over?”

She taps her chin. “How often do we hang out? We’ll have to spend a lot of time together. Edenbury is small, and anyone can see us.”

“Yeah. It’d be odd if I go to the movies or the mall or the diner without my girlfriend. But…you’d have to hang out with my friends.”

“Why do you sound like you’re asking me to dig my own grave?” she asks.

I shift on my chair. “My friends could be a little…narrow-minded.”

Her eyebrows knit. “What do you…oh, I get it. They don’t want to hang out with the geek.”

I puff out my cheeks. “They’ve been bugging me about why I’m dating you.”

“Maybe if you told them the truth…”

I shake my head. “They would probably delete your app.”

“Oh, right.”
