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Chloe shoots to her feet. “It’s the guys!” She dashes to the door.

“What?” Lily drops her e-reader on the sofa and hurries after her, followed by Ava. I put my bookmark in my book and make my way to the door, where their boyfriends are standing outside.

“What are you doing here?” Lily asks. “You’re not allowed to be here.” She’s about to fling her arms around Xavier, but Liam holds out his hands.

“Nope. This is the separation line.” He gestures to an invisible line right before the door. “We promised your parents we wouldn’t come over. So as long as we’re out here, we’re not over.”

“We missed you girls,” Aidan says. “We just wanted to drop by and say hi.”

“We missed you, too,” Ava says. “Ugh, why do my parents have to be so strict? Virtual hugs and kisses.”

After they exchange that, the couples spend a few minutes catching each other up. I stand on the side, rubbing my arm. Why do I feel a little lonely?

“Nice seeing you guys,” I say as I wave at them. “I’m heading back in.”

My friends nod, Ava looking like she wants to say something, but they’re all kind of preoccupied with their boyfriends. I make my way into the kitchen for a snack. The Knights’ pastry chef, Chef Maggie, is preparing what looks like homemade Snickers. My eyes widen when I take in the other pastries sitting on the counter. Score! Ava asked her to make us our favorite pastries.

I think this is supposed to be a surprise, so I spin around and head back to the living room. I can hear my friends and their boyfriends’ excited chatter. I try not to sigh. Why do I feel this way?

It seems like hours before my friends return to the living room.

“Willow, where did you go?” Lily asks as she plops down on her spot on the couch. “You missed Aidan’s funny story about Lexi.”

I shrug. “I thought you guys wanted some privacy.”

“You know we always want you around,” Ava says. “If we wanted private time with our guys, we would go somewhere else. We’d never ask you to leave.”

“Yeah,” Chloe says. “I hope you don’t feel like you’re in the way.”

“No,” I lie. “I mean…it’s cool. Still trying to figure out this whole thing. But I’m good.”

They look at me before exchanging glances. Like they’re not sure if I really am okay.

“So let’s get back to the book,” I say. “Lily and Chloe need to read chapter ten.”

They waste no time grabbing their e-readers.

An hour later, Chef Maggie calls us into the kitchen for the surprise treats. I don’t want to disappoint Ava by not being surprised, so I pretend to be as shocked and excited as Lily and Chloe. My favorite is Rice Krispies Treats, Chloe’s is gooey chocolate chip cookies with chocolate chunks, Lily’s is the homemade Snickers, and macarons for Ava.

As we munch on our treats and chat, I no longer feel the way I did before. I guess when it’s just us girls, it’s easy to forget that there’s a part of their lives I’m not part of. I’m so happy they found their soulmates and are super happy, but at the same time…ugh, I hate feeling so selfish.


I snap back in and look at Lily. “Huh?”

“You okay?”

“Yeah. Why are you asking?”

“You’re kind of scowling.”

“Oh.” I laugh lightly. “Do you ever have a selfish thought and hate yourself for thinking it?”

“Nope.” Ava pops the p. “Never happens to me.”

We all give her a look.

She giggles. “Of course I do! It happens to everyone.”
