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“Is it good?” he asks as my eyes devour the words. “If you don’t mind, can you read it out loud?”

“I don’t mind. ‘This app is so much fun! I get such a rush every time I put in my information and activities and watch it work its magic. Willow Park is amazing for creating such an interactive and smart app. I can’t wait to get matched with my special person!’”

“That’s great feedback!” Colt says.

“It’s Lily.”

“Oh. She put her name?”

“No. But I know it’s her. She’s so sweet for writing such great feedback. It’s such a huge help. I can send her feedback to all the current users and ask them to provide their thoughts as well. Maybe I’ll ask Chloe to write an article in the newspaper and feature all the feedback I get.”

“Yeah, that sounds like a great plan.” He smiles. “I can’t wait for everyone to get matched. The app will probably explode. But in a good way.”

“I hope.” I return the smile. “Thanks for all your help. If not for you, no one would download it. Even if you didn’t mean to do it,” I add with a laugh.

He laughs, too. “No problem. I really want you to succeed in this.”

“Thanks. I want you to succeed with your app, too.”


The room grows quiet.

Colt shifts in his place and smiles at me. I return a small one, pressing my hands on my jeans.

The room is still quiet.

“I think I’ll go check on Mia.” Colt stands up. “You can join us if you want.”

“Oh, um…that’s okay. I have a lot of homework.”

He keeps his eyes on me for a few seconds before nodding and leaving the room. A moment or two later, I get up from the couch and peek into the dining room.

“I’m surprised you two lasted so long,” he’s saying to Mia as he drops down next to her.

“Your app makes learning fun! When she sensed that I was bored with the problem, she made it more personal to me. Like she substituted the boy and the girl in the problem with characters from a popular video game. You’re so cool, Colton. Just as cool as Willow.”

Colt laughs softly as he runs his hand through his hair. “No way. Your sister is way, way cooler than me. But we’re getting sidetracked again. Did you finish your problems?”

I grab my backpack from the floor and go up to my room, the conversation I had with Colt a few minutes ago racing through my mind, as well as the video he took of us at bowling. I try to push them away and focus on homework, but they keep creeping back in.

Chapter Twenty-Three


Colt’s throwing another party tonight. It’s a school night, but I guess his parents don’t mind? The only reason I’m going is because he and I need to keep up the charade.

My friends are tagging along for support, and because they want to dance with their boyfriends. We’re currently being driven to the Andersen house by Peter.

“I don’t plan to stay there long, guys,” I tell my friends. “Just long enough to show the kids that Colt and I are a real couple.”

“You can try to have fun, you know,” Lily points out. “You like hanging out with Colton, don’t you?”

“No,” I say, maybe a little too strongly.

Lily’s eyebrow lifts. She exchanges a look with Liam, trying to hide a knowing smile.

I’m really not in the mood to deal with her misguided beliefs. Tonight is just a means to an end. Show the kids that Colt and I are a real couple, try to get Vanessa jealous, and hopefully keep kids engaged in my app.
